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Saturday, October 31, 2009
; 11:37 PM

Picutes of you,
Pictures of me,
All on the wall,
For the world to see.

Credits to the photographer, Angelin for snapping most of the shots.
Pics of the day:

Sushi <3<3>
Yew Ming and Angelin (L)

A beautiful scenery.

Amanda signing at Min June's bandage.

Catfight @__@

My favourite seniors =D

Me and Angelin :) On the way back to school.

; 4:01 AM

It's definitely not a Nashville party
Can you believe it?
In the blink of an eye, FYE was so yesterday's news :D
I remember panicking and studying restlessly just because I want to do better in exam.
And now everything is soooo over! (:
Is this for real? x)
I just wanna scream on the top of my lungs and not care about anything.
Just like what they say, after a storm comes a calm.
*Gasps in a huge sigh of relief
Okay, I swear that no matter how the results turn out, I gotta accept the fact that this is reality.
After all, there is always another chance right?
And I'm not gonna feel down all day and look gloomy if my results are not satisfying.
I predict for a breeze instead of an ill wind.
Let's just don't think about exam anymore.
Anyway, just came back from high tea.
It was a blast dude =D
Although it was a little boring, the food was good ;D
I had a craving for the sushi, so yeah people who saw me eating sushi endlessly, call me a sushi-freak or whatsover, I don't mind :)
And Avryl was crazy over the raw salmon sashimis x)
We walked around needlessly, and we were so eager to go to 1utama which is directly connected to the hotel.
I was standing right in front of the door which connects the two buildings together, thinking that the world of my dreams are just behind the thin, transparent glass door.
Just three steps ahead then it's like heaven 8D
But then I had to resist from shopping as teacher didn't allow us to go >.<
At the end, we still went shopping:D
Despite the fun I was having, my feet's already hurting like seriously mad.
And the rest was history :]]
All I can conclude is, it was amazing, though we had to stand for sometime before we can finnally get an available sit at the cafe.
As for the pictures, you'll have to wait :D
I will update this post along with the pics of the day again, soon, very soon. =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009
; 7:18 AM


Literally, FYE's on countdown a few more days to go.
I'm off to a break in preperation for the finals, and chances are that I won't be updating my blog until Halloween.
Hopefully, my hard works and efforts throughout the whole year will pay off during this one big moment.
There is nothing better than the feeling of acing the exam and scoring the winning goal, especially during this exam that really counts.
I don't want to disapoint myself again, no, not this time.
Accomplishment, everything to me.
I'm gonna do whatever it takes to succeed, no matter how hard it will be.
Now I'm off to study.
Good luck to everyone.
God bless.


Monday, October 12, 2009
; 8:46 PM

And I don't know where to go from here

I don't know what to say but, I can't believe that exam's next week. And it's been weeks since I hadn't update my blog. Sometimes I just wonder why can't I hide all day under a hole, without having to face the materialistic, cruel, realistic world. All's fair in war but I'm tired of losing. Everytime I tried so hard to reach my goals, but disappoinment runs rampent once the results are out. The world seem so unfair. Yes, sometimes I may feel envy of other people's life, and sometimes I couldn't stop questioning myself, why do I have to suffer like this while other people can pull through everything without have a single tricker of fear. Everything always goes smoothly for the others, while all I have is nothing. Or maybe I did not work hard enough? Or maybe I did have the oppurtunity but I blew it off and crashed everything with my own hands. I don't know. My mind is flailing like a spider scurrying around, trying to find its way out. Maybe I should just stop grumbling and complaining. A mankind's insatiability could never be fulfilled, but at least I can learn to treasure everything I have. Actions speak louder than words, and as I'm writting this, I know just how badly I wish to achieve my goals, so I better stop now and drive myself into action.

P/S: Happy studying! :D


Sunday, October 4, 2009
; 6:35 AM


ShareRules:Once you've been tagged, Fill this out IN YOUR OWN WORDS and re-post as, "My Autobiography" ...And use your own answers, not anyone else 's.

1. Where did you take your profile pic?
Somewhere outta M'sia.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Grey top with black shorts? It's kinda gothic.
3. What is your current problem?
Demotivation and lazyness. Not mention that I still have insufficient preparations for exam.
4. What makes you happy most?
Shopping and spending money x)
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Party in the U.S.A
6. Any celeb you would marry?
Undoubtedly yes! :D RYAN REYNOLDS or CHACE CRAWFORD! But they're too old for me, sadly. And I probably should stop building castles in the air xP
7. Name someone/persons with the same birthday as you:
Joseph Hadyn, a famous baroque composer.
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
Hmmmm, I didn't notice the number of audiences though.
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yeah. And I was told that I looked like alot of peoploe -___-
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
If Hannah Montana counts, yes.
11. Do you speak any other languages than English?
Yup. Mandrin, dialects and French.
12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?
So far no, and I hope never.
13. Do you ever watch MTV?
Every day. I couldn't live without that channel.
14. What's something that really annoys you?
ALOT, seriously.
Chapter 1
1. Middle name:
2. Nickname(s):
Zhen, Squirrel, So-What-Girl, Doggie etc.
3. Current location:
4. Eye color:
Dark brown I guess.
Chapter 2
1. Do you get along with your parent(s):
Yeah (:
2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced:
Married, like duh.
Chapter 3 : Favourites
1.Ice Cream:
Summer berries from Häagen-Dazs.
2. Season:
Preferably summer. And winter too.

3. Shampoo/conditioner:
4. Favorite Thing:
Everything I own (:
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower?:
2. Do you write on your hand?:
Why not.
3. Call people back?:
If the call hung up or they miss call me.

4. Believe in God?:
5. Any bad habits?
Yes. I love playing with my nails.
6. Any mental health issues?
Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Sprained stuff:
Yes, my leg.
2. Had physical therapy?
3. Gotten stitches?
Never =D
4. Taken painkillers:
Panadol and some others.

5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
Would like to.

6. Thrown up at the dentist:
7. Sworn in front of your parents?
8. Had detention?
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Three people who texted you:
Yuen Min, Stanley and Avryl.
Person you called:
3. Person you hugged:
Forgotten. Maybe a friend.

4. Person you tackled?:
Could not recall.
5. Person you talked to on MSN?:
Chy Suen :]]
6. Thing you touched?

7. Thing you ate? :
Hershey's Kissables.

8. Thing you drank:
Plain water.

9. Thing you said:
Couldn't quite remember.

10. Friend you saw ytd(12am-12am):

Whoever that wants do to this tag ;DD

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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