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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
; 5:49 AM

I found you

Yo people, I'm back for a short post! :)
This post is dedicated to someone who was brought to the world by god today back in 13 years ago.
Guess who?
Drum rolls peeps ;D









































Do you know that you are fuh-rea-king awesome?

Yes, it's only been months since we've met, but you totally rock my world.

You're like the milk to my oreo,

the butter to my bread,

the chocalate sauce to my marshmellow.

Have the nicest birthday yet! ^^


BFFs. (L)

All the best in everything you do.

God bless you.


Sunday, September 27, 2009
; 4:50 AM

Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars.

I used to love everything about blogging, and words pop out from my brain straight without even needing me thinking what to blog about.
But nowadays, it takes me hours squeezing my brain before I can think what to blog, and sometimes I can't even think of a better thing to post though I've been to my wits end.
I guess blogging would require some passion?
Anyway, I'm so in love with the gladiator trend.

gladiator shoes Pictures, Images and Photos

blk gladiator sandal Pictures, Images and Photos

Gladiator Shoes Pictures, Images and Photos

Gladiator shoes are fabulous =D
Gosh they look so good.

Last but not least, school's back tomorrow.

RAWR O______O

Anyone could tell me if we're getting a week's holiday during the PMR?

P/S: I just had a haircut :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009
; 12:09 AM

And you've got a smile that could light up these whole town

I'm back from Taiwan.
Here's a short coverage of the trip.

ChiangKai-Tsiek memorial park.

An extraordinary scene of an island called YeLiu.

It was just a short trip. Really short trip.
4 days 3 nights.
Nothing special o.o
That's why I'm not gonna elaborate each picture like I used to for previous trips x)

The Proposal Pictures, Images and Photos
Btw, I watched The Proposal during the flight.
I seriously love this movie :D
And Ryan Reynolds is hot x)
Well, I guess I've got nothing much to say.
P/S: I'm not ready for braces yet >.<

Saturday, September 19, 2009
; 2:00 AM

Go ahead just leave
Can't hold you you're free

The holidays are here again.
Once again, I'm stuck at home with nothing better to do.
Look on the bright side, no school means no rules.
Btw, do forgive me for leaving my blog dead right after every post x)
I'm getting lazier to blog nowadays.
Heading to Taiwan tomorrow, so I'm gonna stay away from blogging for a while.
On the other hand, the much feared end year exam is gradually approaching us day by day.
I guess I better start getting serious on my studies.
Early preparations will advantage me.


P/S: The lattest issue of Seventeen is up for grabs. I bet this issue would be full of juicy informations, as it unveils about the 2009 cover girl search. I'm so gonna get it today :DD

Friday, September 11, 2009
; 9:09 PM

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

This time, I've learned that you can't choose your friends.
You can't pick who you want to be friends with.
True friends will come to you one day and real friendships are not just about those messages or texts saying "I miss you", "Best friends forever", "I love you" and so on.
If you truly like someone as a friend, you don't need words to express your sincerity but you have to prove it in reality.
You can't judge a book by its cover.
It takes quite some time until you can finally see a person's true colours.
So yeah, never rush when you're making friends.
Take it all easy. The type of bond between two friends comes from within.
Long words short, you have to wait until the right person comes by :]]

Btw, Avryl, Deanna and Yuen Min came over to my house.
While wating for them to arrive, I spotted this cat at the back of my house.

Awhhh, it's just so adorable and cuddling =)

But it couldn't stop purring and I kinda find it annoying x)

Anyway, it's probably just hungry so I fed the cat.

We were watching music videos and criticizing it xP
Oh yeah, judging by Katy Perry's appearance in "Waking up in Vegas", we all we convinced that she doesn't even have enough money to afford clothes so she had to wear bra in her music video xD

Pics of the day.

Deanna is happy about the fact that my blazer fits her like a glove 8D
Btw Dea, it's so HUGE and BIG rite? x)

After that, we walked to school together.
Walking to school in a group of friends was fun :D
Btw, Avryl, I'm super proud of you (:
I'm also glad about the fact that we both don't have to be separated xD
We both we really relieved and blissful.
Before that, we were like "If you got it and I don't, always remember about me whereas if I got it and you don't, we're still best friends".

That's all for today.
Ciao ;D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
; 4:06 AM

Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone.

A year ago from today was a horrible yet memorable day for me. UPSR.
Horrible? Because I feared of making any single mistake and not being able to be perfect.
Memorable? Because it only happens once in my life.
I remember last night I was panicking and stay up til late to do my last revision before my big moment.
I remember myself striving to cramp every single detail into brain and praying for everything to be fine.
And when I woke up in the morning, I had already left the front door of my primary school for months, and almost a year.
Time passes so fast that I can barely realize its movement.
Everything that happened a year ago still seems to near to me.
And to be frank, I miss primary school ALOT.
If I could have a wish, it would be going back to the primary life again.
But that's a miracle.
Thinking back, a famailiar wave of excitement floods over me.
The feeling to be at the compound of primary school is indescribable.
UPSR is nothing compared to what I'm learning now when I think back.
But I'm sure it's a tough challenge for candidates who are sitting for UPSR now.
Look on the bright side, life at school after UPSR is abundance of fun.
You can wander around the whole school or loitter around aimlessly, and teachers don't even care about it, make noises at class, do whatever you want and there are no studies required.
The primary memories are just too tempting for me to recall it.
Speaking of primary school, what happened to everyone?
All the famailiar faces which I used to see every day.


Kok Sindy and Lim Han Yin.
If found, please contact 999-xxx-xxx.


Std 5. Can you note the big difference in me?

WongKayLi. (L)



Chubby lil kid and shorty yet smarty pants.

And not to mention evil x)

I miss the times when we broke the school rules and did all the bad stuffs. xD

And a whole lot more people!

I miss you guys so freaking much.

Everything about primary school was none other than PERFECT.

I cannot use just words to utterly express my feeling for primary school.
As much as I can say, it was wonderful, just like a fairytale <3

And to all the graduates-to-be std6 students out there,

Do appreciate and enjoy your life at primary school to the fullest.

You do not want to repent for not accomplishing something you hope to succeed.

Btw, all the best for UPSR.

I'm sure that all the bloods, sweats and tears, and most importantly, your efforts will definitely pay off.

Good luck ;DD

Thursday, September 3, 2009
; 5:18 PM

Baby I can talk you down

Long, long time ever since I last updated my blog.
Couldn't figure out a better thing to post so I decided to just do a short post this time.
Hari Penilaian Kokurikulum yesterday.
I did not sum up my total points but I think I got around 250 or something.
The boredom is seriously killing me.
Plus some students couldnt stop questioning me or talking to me when I was dutying at their class.
It was really suffering.
How I wish I could make them shut up and not talk to me.
I should have yelled at them x)
I had to abide with the annoyance although in the deep core of my heart, it was very unbearable and I just wanted to yell at the top of my lungs =P
Ask Avryl.
Then I walked around the school with Misha just to find for teachers to give us more marks :D
It wasted quite some time.
It's Friday tomorrow and the best part is - we only have to go to school for 3 hours! ;DD
Compared to the usual days, it's less 3 hours of school.
Someone please tell me that this is not a dream, hope or wish.
In fact, it's reality =D
Damn I gotta catch up with my studies.
Exam is a few more weeks to go.

P/S: I'm seriously crazy about tote bags. Oversized and carry-all tote bag. Especially the one from Paris Hilton that caught my eye. 8D

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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