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Friday, July 31, 2009
; 10:20 PM

Won't be updating until.... well.... after exam?
Gotta study to achieve my goals! ;PP
Not gonna disappoint myself again this time.
Working with my BM, Sej and Geo. Haih.
Btw, I miss primary school! (:
NicNac and Kok Hoong, you guys are incredibly awesome! =)
Hope to have a primary reunion soon after my exam xD

; 4:33 AM

No point wasting your breath and energy to hate someone.
Quited by.... ME! =D

When you hate someone, you don't have to do deliberate actions to indicate your spite for them, as I said on the previous post.
Doing stuffs like mocking that person you hate, spreading rumour, cursing that person, do something in purpose which is mean, give that vicious stare at the person and etc is a CHEAP AND LOUSY DEMEANOUR.
And if your close friend hates that certain person, it's unnecessary for you to hate that person too if there's nothing between you and that person.
The fight is between your friend and that person.
Nothing to do with you.
If your close friend is trying to involve you in the fight, this utterly proves that that so-called friend isn't a true friend at all.
If you friend really cares for you, wants what's best for you, think about you, then he/she should have made peace between you and the person your friend dislikes, although your friend seriously hates that person.
I mean, will true friends stand to see their friends have an enemy/got into a fight with someone?
Don't be naive.
Don't be easily influenced.
Don't be manipulated just because he/she is your best friend.
FYI, that so -called friend isn't a real friend. He/she is a TOXIC friend.
Don't be easily affected.
Stand up for youself.
And if you are still unaware that your friend isn't real at all, then I'd have to say, GROW UP (:

When I hate someone, I'd never do anything mean/bad to that person just because I dislike he/she.
Btw, I don't wanna hate anyone.
If you hate me, it's your choice.
I just wanna live my life.
If you did something mean to me, I won't ever thought of revenge or something.
I would have just ignore it.
People hate someone because he/she is better than them.
Cuz I deeply believe that justice will be served by god one day and god can see clearly what is going on.
Ignore all those saddening or dampening stuffs and live your life.... with peace ;)
I believe that you still have other better friends who trualy derserve to be your friend.
So um, forget about everything and cheer up! [[[:

Thursday, July 30, 2009
; 4:14 AM

The echoes of sadness had conqured a once joyful heart.
Why are we drifting apart?

This has something to do with friendship problems, obviously.
If you had never fought before with your bezzie, then I doubt if you both are even true bezzies. Hahas.
I had always thought that cat fights are bitchy and you know, dramatic.
But I can't believe I actually got myself involved in one. LOL.
Let me get the story straight.
Apparantly, I'm having troubes with one of my former so-called friend.
Our argument is never-seen before that I was tempted to post it.
I don't mean to offend anyone's privacy.

Read this few quotes by her.
1. I like to complain cuz I'm not a positive person. And you're right, I am negative. I always think negatively. I don't think that I'm a very good person.

2. Do you even know anyone from other school?
(Like obviously I DO KNOW =.=' I have primary school friends Zzzz.)

3. If you don't wanna change class, that means you don't have friends from other classes.
(Is that even a good explanation? Does that even make sense?)

Frankly, those words kinda hurt me like a knife stabbing me. It drove me into depression. I mean we used to be so close, and now this argument happened out of sudden O___O

And she even gave me that evil and vicious glare which I thought was a cheap demeanour.
She said that SHE PRAYED FOR ME TO DIE loudly.
No matter how much I hate someone, I'd never pray/curse for someone to die, I swear.
And she's thinking that I'm the one to blame and she did nothing wrong. WTH.
I don't say mean words to people I hate.
I would have just ignored you if I don't like you, but I won't do delibarate actions to signify my spite for you.

Thanks to my friends who were there for me when I'm sad.
Thanks for giving me a hand when I'm in need.
Without you guys, I probably won't figure out a single way to overcome this depression.
I felt devastated that I called her a friend.
I can't believe thatshe would do this to me.
But, my motto is: REGRET NOTHING. FEAR LESS. (By John Cena^^)
So I better just move on.
Who needs friends like them.

No more cat fights or friend dramas.
Exam is next week which means less than 4 days to go.
I gotta study real hard and prove everyone that I can do it =)

Friday, July 24, 2009
; 9:07 PM


Note: All these questions are related about relationships and love. if you dont answerthe following questions properly,or without an appropriate answer,you will know.

1.Do you like a girl or a boy?
Boy, like duh, unless I'm BI. LOL.
2.When did you start falling in love with him/her?
Can't recall.
3.Do you always see him/her?
Quite frequently I think.
4.Is he/she a player?
5.Had he/she had any ex girlfriends/boyfriends?
No idea.
6.What do you sincerely think about him/her?S
Funny? Friendly? LOL?
7.Did he/she ever told you that he/she likes you or other sweet things?
8.Will you be a good partner for him/her?
I don't know.
9.Why would you like/love him/her?
I have no idea xD
10.Who you told about him/her?
Not telling =X
11.How badly do you want/need him/her?
Not that badly I guess.
12.Have you ever faced depression upon him/her??
Undoubtedly yes.
13.Did you ever plan to get married with him/her?
14.Do you think he/she is THE ONE?
Nah, there are many fishes out there and I shall look for the best one ;PP
15.Did he/she ever comforted you before?
Hmmm, nope I think so.
16.Did he/she offer you anything before?
17.Have you ever went out on a date with him/her?
18.Did you tell him that you like him/her
19.How do you feel now?
Depressed? Blank? Anxious? Hopeful?
20.Whats his/her name then? (YOU MUST ANSWER THIS ONE)

I tag:
Nina Yeoh
Kai Ying
Misha Chew
Dillon Eng
Eugene Chong
Last but not least, anyone who is willing to do this tag :D

; 5:25 AM

All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog . Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head . And then answer the questions , Say you're guessing if you don't know , but at least guess on all of them . After doing this, tag your 21 "lucky" friends to do the same.

1.Wei Jun
2.Nina Yeoh
4.Khar Lynn
6.Chy Suen
7.Yew Ming
8.Yuen Min
9.Cheryl Yoong
11.Jillian Ng
12.Nicholas Phan
13.Kew Hon
14. Ji Sheng
15.Kai Ying
16.Wen Ting
17.Yi Wen
18.Angelin Ching
19.Yin Ying
20.Adam Desa
21.Kenneth Choong

1. How did you meet 7 ? - From the school's prefect board?

2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met? - My life would suck. xD

3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? - Ooooohhh lala. *smug smile*

4. Have you seen 17 cried? -Nope.

5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? - Unless they're BI.
6. Do you think 11 is attractive? - Yup! Woots Jill! ;DD

7. What is 2's favourite colour? - Errr....

8. When was the last time you talked to 9? - A few days ago?

9. What language does 8 speaks? - English, Mandrin, BM, Cantonese, maybe.

10. Who is 13 going out with? -Not sure =P

11. Would you ever date 17 ? - NO WAY. As far as we can go, we can onky remain as buddies (:

12. Where does 18 live? - Somewhere in USJ.

13. What is the best thing about 4 ? - Being able to hang out to when I'm at class, and ALOT more :D

14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ? - Anything she wanna know.

15. What is the best thing about 20 ? - A great friend and a perfect listener! ;P

16. Have you ever kiss 2 ? - No.

17. What is the best memory you have of 5 ? - Just having an enjoyable time with each other and do all the typical friends thing.

18. When's the next time you're going to see 1 ? - Tomorrow or Monday.

19. How is 7 different from 6 ? - Hmm, everyone is unique and so are they ;))

20. Is 2 pretty ? - Yes and she's minee, NO STEALING! xD

21. What was your 1st impression of 15 ? - Friendly and easy to talk to :]]

22. How did you meet 3? - She's my classmate.

23. Is 5 your best friend? - Maybe.

24. Do you hate 12? - No, like duh.

25. Have you seen 18 in the last month?- I see her every day, excluding weekdays.

26. When was the last time you saw 16? - A few hours ago, I guess so.

27. Have you been to 5's house? - Nopre.

28. When's the next time you'll see 10? - It's either tomorrow or Monday.

29. Are you close to 11?- Hmm.

30. Have you been to the movies with 4? - Planned to.

31.Have gotten in trouble with 8? - Nah.

32. Would you give 19 a hug? - YUP! ;PP

33. When have you lied to 3? - I don't think I ever did lie to him.

34. Is 1 good at socializing? - Never. *winks*

35. Do you know a secret about 8? -Yeah, hehe.

36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. - Friends?

37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9? - Just chat and have fun xD
I apologize if I missed any tags =)
Will try to complete it as soon as possible.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
; 9:40 PM

I love this video! ;DD
Taylor has a great sense of humour, LOL!
Enjoy :]]

Friday, July 17, 2009
; 8:14 AM

Things are more complicated than it seems.

Life is like a rollercoaster ride,
It's all about the unexpected thrill,
sometimes it could be a blot out of the blue,
and repeating itself over and over again.

I am totally unaware of how things are going on now. O__o
Everything is just so complicated that it made me confused.
Should I trust you again?
Let's just move on and not mention about this for the moment.

Haih, there is no way I'm gonna see a fake person who does not even want to reveal her true colours and tries to impress everyone as if she is the one who really put her effort by stealing other people's credit and job to control us. =P
Guess it'd be unnecessary for me to mention who is that?
Nah, even though I'm currently overraged or pissed off, I should protect other people's privacy too. LOL.

Anyway, I seriously hate my class!
What did I do to suffer in this class with these pathetic people?
Gosh, I have to share the same class as them for like two years.
I wish I could just make them shut their bloody mouth up! WTH.
Why do they have to annoy me until I really fly into a rage and had no other choice but to yell at them to make them keep quiet?
I can't keep going on like this!
I gotta use some spare time to study too =.=
And it's their disciplinary problems who got me into trouble.
If my class keeps going on like this, I'm afraid that the school will have to suspend us from going into class for two hours so we have to suffer at the dataran.
They're uncontrollable, like wild animals! Zzz.
Btw, there's cocurriculum tomorrow, and I do not intend to attend at all =P
Rather sleep til late morning xD
Anyway, I look seriously horrible in my blazer >.<
It's suuuuuuuper huge for me.
It makes me look like a kind of business woman who does not have a sense of fashion. LOL.
And I'm so nervous of wearing it on Monday!
Or should I just go for baju kurung? O.o

Monday, July 13, 2009
; 4:43 AM

Mood swings? O.o

Today wasn't a fine day for me, after all.
I felt melting onto the ground, my cheeks went burning hot and my heart was pounding with nerves.
Suddenly, I felt hyper that I kept hanging a bright smile on my face and people must have thought that I'm an abnnormal person or a weirdo O__o
A few moments later, I began to turn emo and felt a sudden trinkle of fear which had made me almost burst into tears.
And then, I went mad that my impatience was rising and I just felt like screaming on the top of my lungs.
A second ago I looked cheerful and hyper then I went bonkers and suddenly I was mad.
I don't know why in the world am I so bloody moody today.
But still, now my mind's scurrying like a spider, legs flailing and flailing, trying to find a way out from this ocean so vast and full of confusion.
Why do I have to go through all this?
I seriously do not enjoy this part of puberty - mood swings!
Was this all caused by my mistake of choosing that direction?
I wanna get outta here, but I'm afraid that it's too late and I'm too extremely attracted by it.
Someone please help!
My heart had broke into a number of small and crisp pieces.
How can I figure out a way to mend it?
A minute ago I swore to myself to let it all go, before it hurts even more, but then a minute later, I find myself obsessed by it again, and completely forgotten what I've just vowed to myself.
I had been through so many depressions, and learnt it the hard way - but I never seem to had learned a lesson.
When can I finally wake up?

Sunday, July 12, 2009
; 7:34 PM

Yet a lame tag ;P

Do you have:
[x] Mother
[x] Father
[ ] Step-Father
[ ] Step-Mother
[ ] Step Sister
[ ] Step Brother
[X] Brother
[ ] Brother In Law
[ ] Sister
[ ] Sister In Law
[ ] Half sister
[ ] Half brother
[x] Nephew
[ ] Niece
[ ] Boyfriend/Girlfriend
[x] Mobile phone
[x] Own bathroom
[x] Own room
[ ] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[x] Guest room
[x] Living Room
[ ] Own computer
[ ] Own TV

Total: 9

[ ] Full size/Queen bed
[x] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[x] MP3 Player/iPod
[ ] PS2/3
[ ] Nintendo DS or PSP
[ ] Gameboy/Advance
[ ] Gamecube
[ ] xbox/xbox 360
[ ] Wii
[ ] Your Own Laptop

Total so far: 11

[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[x] Pool table
[x] Ping pong table
[ ] Foosball table

Total so far: 13

[x] Night stand
[x] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] DVD player in bedroom/portable

Total so far: 14

[x] Go shopping at least once a week
[x] Expensive cologne/perfume
[x] AIM/MSN[x] camera on phone

Total so far: 17

[ ] Go Cart/car/quad
[x] Guitar/drums/bass guitar
[x] Piano/Keyboard
[x] Any other instrument
[x] Been on a cruise
[x] Traveled out of the country
[x] Traveled out of the continent
[ ] Had a personal trainer
[x] Expensive jewelery
[x] Met a Celeb

Total so far: 25

[x] Straightener/curling iron
[x] Have been to a batting cage
[x] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet
[ ] Credit card or ATM card or debit card or bank card
[ ] Have a TV in your room
[x] Mirror in your room

Total so far: 28

[x] Window in your room
[x] Been to Paris
[x] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to the Bahamas
[ ] Been to Mexico
[ ] Been to Jamaica

Total so far: 31

[x] Parents have a car
[ ] Have owned or own a Jet ski/boat
[x] Had/have Camped
[x] Been to 3+ states
[x] 80+ buddies on facebook/myspace

Total so far: 35

[x] Home cooked meal almost everyday
[x] Been in a limo
[x] Been in a helicopter
[x] Own a camera
[x] Have been to Disneyland/World more than 2 times

Total so far: 42

Post as:
1-25 = Ghetto!
26-40 = Average Teen!
41-50 = Spoiled Teen!
51+ = Upper Class Snob!

What can I say? O.o

I tag:
Anyone who wants to do this tag?

; 2:14 AM


[ ] Gotten kicked out of class
[ ] Gotten detention
[x] Gotten your cell phone/iPod taken away
[ ] Gotten suspended
[x] Chewed gum during class


[x] Gotten late to a class more than 10 times
[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times
[ ] Returned at least 2 projects in late
[x] Missed school cause you felt like it
[x] Skipped class at least 1 time
[x] Laughed so hard there teacher ask whats wrong


[x] Texted people during class
[x] Passed notes
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher


[ ] Went on myspace, friendster,xanga , etc on the computer at school (blocked sites)
[ ] Took pictures during school hours
[x] Called people during school hours
[x] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3 during class
[ ] Hit a teacher with a textbook


[ ] Threw something at the teacher
[x] Went outside the class room without permission
[x] Broke the dress code
[ ] Failed a class, not a grade, a class
[x] Ate food during class


[ ] Gotten a call home
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved bad
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go
[ ] Used passes from other days/Or made fake pass
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear


[x] Slept through class
[ ] Played basketball with paper balls using the trashcan as a basket
[ ] Told off/threatened a teacher
[x] Felt hungry during class and ate
[x] Treat the teacher as invisible


I tag:
Nina Yeoh
Nadiana Edora
Kai Ying
Nicole Stewart
Joh Xhin

Friday, July 10, 2009
; 8:42 AM

A not-so special day?

Yeah I know, my blog's dull.
But I seriously have nothing better to write about. O.o
Told ya that life is monotony =.='
Today was just a typical Friday.
Nothing special (:
Oh and there's always a little something special about Fridays, as ALOT of people go online on Fridays, especially at night.

Btw, judging by my attitude recently, I think that I'm slowly becoming a fiasco so I think immediate actions should be taken, such as meditation and changing my attitude before it's too late else I'll end up in major failure.
I created a list of 10 things which I hope to achieve within these few weeks!

1. Study for at least one hour each day.
2. Don't wonder away/fall asleep/do other stuffs when teacher is teaching.
3. Talk less when I'm on duty.
4. Focus on my duty, and don't look blur as if I had no idea what is going on the surroundings.
5. Do all of my homeworks.
6. Think twice before I speak once, make sure that I don't blurt out something that might offend the others. (This is one of my worst habbits)
7. Don't get too distracted by my obsession.
8. Eat less junk food, and go for a balance & healthy diet.
9. Don't waste time.
10. Don't spend cash as if I'm burning it.

To: Whom it may concern
You're just so unbearable. Don't think that I'm that foolish. Jusitce will be served one day I tell you. Enough is enough. You're too much! Stop being an angel in disguise. I'm not gonna hang that big fake smile on my face again when I see you. I'm gonna be outspoken and just say what's in my mind frankly. You b****. Just because me and my friends are awesome people, it does not mean that you have to be jealous and try to sabotage us. You better watch out. I will not get intimidated by you and your gang. If you hate someone, don't FAKE. You people are such pretenders. We can see the hint of sarcasm in your voice and that you were only pretending all these times. Don't be as timid as a mouse.

If you're not involved, please just ignore those words above. Thanks! =D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
; 7:58 PM

Tagged =DD

Since I've got nothing juicy to post about (as my life is so boring that I can sense the monotony every day), so I decided to just do a tag... FOR FUN (:

Btw, I'm really sorry for not doing some tags =(

Anyway, this is a lame (but amusing at the very least) one, so um, LOL! xD

Before I forget, life is incredibly unfair! URGHHH.

Why do some people do not got caught red handed when they're doing something bad or against the rules while I do?

Whatever. ZZZ.

A - Avaliable: Nah.

B - BIRTHDAY: March 21st

C - CRUSHING ON: Him ((:

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Pink Guava Juice?


F - FAVORITE SONG: Too much to be listed xD

G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Bears, like duh?

H - HOMETOWN: Here!! xD

I- IN LOVE WITH: No one? Hahas.

J - JUGGLE: Attempted to do it, but it failed T.T


L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: 5 hours?

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Chcocolate :D Wait, strawberries too! ;PP


O - ONE WISH: Everything I want to be granted! Hehe..


R - REASON TO SMILE: LOL. Practiclly, everything?

S- SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Tim McGraw - Taylor Swift

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 7.00 a.m. As usual.

V - VEGETABLE(S): Garden salad (Without any dressing)

W - WORST HABIT: Doing things on the eleventh hour.


Y – YOYOS ARE: for babies? LOL.

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Aries :]]

Random Questions About You

What color do you wear most?: White

Least favorite color?: Brown. Ewe. LOL.

What are you listening to?: Some classical songs?

Are you happy with your life right now?: Hmmm. Maybe. But trust me, I've go so many wishes!

What is your favorite class in school : Physical Education =D

When do you start back at school/college?: No idea.

Are you outgoing?: Possibly.

Favorite pair of shoes?: Flip-flops from Ipanema! ;PP

Where do you wish you were right now?: In the USA?


Can you dance?: No idea.

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Who cares.

Can you whistle?: Yeah, but not very loudly.

Write with both hands?: Yup but apparantly, my right hand is more skilled than my left.


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Maybe. Who knows?
Do you believe in miracles?: It can happen.
Do you believe in magic?: Nope, after watching Breaking the Magician's Code
Do you believe in Satan?: Hmmm....
Do you believe in Santa?: Yeah, my parents! Cuz they were the one who bought the coolest gifts for me during Christmas xD
Do you know how to swim?: Duh.
Do you like roller coasters?: Absolutely! I love the thrill! ;D
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: I don't know.


Have you ever been on a plane?: Always.

Have you ever asked someone out?: Nope. *winks*

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yeah.

Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yupp =)

Have you ever painted your nails?: Totally.


What is the temperature outside?: Approximately 30 degree celcius I think.

What radio station do you listen to?: Hitz.fm

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Err... Pizza Uno? On Sunday I think. O.o

What was the last thing you bought?: Food at school. LOL.

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: The Amazing Race this morning?


Who was the last person you IM'd?: ?? Nina. ^^

Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Errr, my friends? Can't recall.

Who was the last person you said I love you to?: No idea =P


How many times have you had your heart broken?: I don't know.

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Who doesn't?

What is your current hair color?: Black? Or dark brown? O.o

Current piercings?: None.

Have any tattoos?: Nope.

Eye color?: Black? Dark brown?


Favorite eye color: Blue :DD

Short or long hair: Long? No way.

Height: As long as it is taller than me (:

Best clothing: It depends on how you mix and match an outfit.


Been to jail: Never.

Laughed so hard you cried?: Countless times. =)

Cried in school: Yeah... During primary school graduation...

Thrown up in a store: Nope.

Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: LOL. Yeah.

Gone skinny dipping: What's that?

Pepsi or Coke: Coke.

McDonald's or Burger King: Both! :)

Single or Group Dates: I'd go for single.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla with chocolate topping :]]

Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries! :D

TV or Movie: I'll take both.

Guitar or Drums?: Guitar!! ;PP

Adidas or Nike: Nike.

Chinese or Mexican: Mexican - Nachos!

Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Can't decide between both xD

Cake or Pie: Chocolate cake! =D

MTV or VH1: MTV, like duh?

Monday, July 6, 2009
; 7:19 AM

This intense feeling is too hard to be denied.
This extraordinary feeling is even higher than eating chocolate, acing the test or scoring the winning goal.
chocolate Pictures, Images and Photos

It makes my heartbeats race faster than ever, my stomach even tighter, my cheeks getting hotter......
Yes, it's called an OBSESSION :))
I have to confess that this is an amazing sensation.
My obsession is so deep that you need to require more than the strength of an elephant to resist.

Don't be wondering what is my obsession about =)

On the other hand, I so wanna fight for justice! Whatever. Justice will soon be served one day, I'm sure ;PP
School is getting more boring day by day, and the August exam is slowing approaching us. Haih.
I vowed to myself to be a better person, study harder and score higher in this exam, also not to be such a big spender!
I tried so hard, but nothing is working =(
My studies seriously need to be improved, I'm slowy neglecting the homeworks, wondering away in classes (you can't blame me for it, after all it's really boring), getting lazier....

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



Say it out loud

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