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Sunday, May 31, 2009
; 8:24 PM

Nina!! ;DDD
I've already miss you truckloads despite it's only the thrid day of the hols xD
I'm going on a vacation until the 10th, so um, I won't be updating very often this few days.
10days, imagine.
It's a long way to go.
I'm too desperate to be back home as soon as possible so that I could see my buds again.
Can't wait to hang out with my pals =)
Btw, I've just cut my hair by 1 inch into a chin-length bob...
It's so damn freaking short now T.T
Till then, hope to write again soon :D

Friday, May 29, 2009
; 6:24 AM

Zomg why is everyone's blog privated?

In case if you see this, please invite me kay? ^^

My email address is lilaclezlez@hotmail.com

Thanks ;DDD

; 4:03 AM

PingPongParty ;PPP

Teacher's day took part today...
I was supposed to arrive school before 7.10 am, but I was late. Wth. *sighs*
The perfomances was pretty entertaining =)
At least it gets to lighten the overwhelming pressure of mine about exam. =P
Especially the singing part, was fantasticly awesome and definitely deserves a loud applaud.
Alot of people were cheering and yelling on the top of their lungs for the singers xD
Went for duty... Hang out with my dear, Chy Suen for almost the entire event! xD
And so um, the rest was history.

After that, was P.P.P (ping pong party =P).
Prepared some snacks for the guest xD
Well, the first one to arrive was Wee Sheng, then Kew Hon and Yi Wen, then Ji Sheng and Wen Ting.
Where was Kai Ying? O.0
She promised to attend, however she did not show up. Haih.
Everyone was wondering why she was missing lol.
So kai ying, if you read this, please reply! xD
Here are some pics taken.
I guess that the pictures tell everything about it ;PP

Wee Sheng challenging my bro in armwrestling.
And guess who won??? My bro!! ;PP

The matches.
Kew Hon vs Wee Sheng.
Undoubtedly, Kew Hon won ;PPP

Ji Sheng vs Wee Sheng. The "Shengs"! xD
P/S My dog was approaching them. =P

The mess on my table. xD

I understand that Wee Sheng hates dogs, and my dog was obviously pissing him off somehow.
Btw, Yi Wen and Wen Ting were scared of my dog too! xD
Despite the fact that it won't simply harm people.
My dog having a delightful time chewing on Ji Sheng's ping pong ball.
I'm so sorry about it Ji Sheng! xD But I can't help - My dog is just so playful =P
Ji Sheng was even willing to allow my dog to chew the ball, as he said that he was training the dog to stop biting the ball itself, without us forcing it to do so. xD
The doubles. ((: The Shengs vs Wen Ting and I.
My dog was underneath the ping pong table.
FYI, Wen Ting and I defeated them FLAT.=)

The singles. Wee Sheng vs me.
Guess who's the real noobie? LOL.
Just joking here! xD

The singles again. Ji Sheng vs Kew Hon :]]
These pics had captured each of the great moments we had today ((:

Thanks for your attendace you all! :DD
Without you guys, this day would be full of monotony! xD
I had an incredibley amazing time and abundance of fun.
So um, do come again soon kay? =D

The memories~
Well, these are some pics taken from the previous ping pong gathering.
However, I did not post it.
So yeah, in this special occasion, I decided to rewind it ;DDD

Yi Wen =D

Wen Ting a.k.a my partener! ;PP Parteners forever~

Last but not least, the awaiting hols have finally arrived, so I wish you all a Happy Holiday + Have fun in summer :DD
Appreciate and tressure every single second, enjoy as much as possible, before the hols end and you'll regret (:

T.H.E. E.N.D

Thursday, May 28, 2009
; 5:40 AM

In a Nutshell

Okayy, I don't have much time or much thing to say now, so I'm going to do another abbrievation for this post ;DD

Firstly, I've updated my results, so you can check it out as you wish
I can realize that my results has dropped a whole lot compared to March exam *sobs*
How mirserable is that.

Teachers' Day celebration will take part tomorrow.
However, I didn't buy any presents or whatsover for my beloved teachers xD
Too bad.
Hmmm, gonna think of something meaningful and easy to get as well for my favourite teachers.
Angelin won't be coming tomorrow.
I'm so going to miss her so badly! xD
Btw, I've got duties to do too.
Can't wait for tomorrow :D
But please do not assume that it's the Teachers' Day celebration that made me so desparate for the sun to rise as quick as possible tomorrow.
There are some other reasons that made me so exhilarated and excited for tomorrow.
First time ever in this week, I'm actually looking forward to the next day xD
Alright, gotta get some beauty sleep now.
'Cause I gotta wake up at 6am for tomorrow. Wth.
Whatever =P

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
; 6:11 AM

Worst day ever.

I woke up this morning, only to know that this day could not get any more worse.

First and foremost, something is made me flew into a sudden rage and got frustrated.

I guess it's unncecessary for me to mention what was that incident about.

Sometimes, it's definitely better to keep certain things to yourself=)

Besides that, to me, exam results are world-shuttering news.

My life would have been completely ruined and all plans would be wrecked if I screw up any one bit in exam.

Less exaggarating, I'd get myself into serious trouble if I got any bad grades.

Maybe I won't get blamed for it, but I'll get accused.


Life is so hard with exam =(

Well, checkback on my previous post about exam results.

I've just updated.

Apparantly, the exam results explain everything about my sad mood.

I can feel the despair now.

I can't believe that I did soomigoshfreaking badly in some subjects T.T

Life is turning upside down now.

I don't dare to face the music.

Life stinks =.=

On the other hand, I got tagged by Yew Ming =D

1) The person who tagged you is:

Ng Yew Ming ;DDD

2) Your relationship with him/her is:


3)Your first impression of him/her is:

She looked so sweet with that goodie-two shoe image... :D

4)The most memorable moments with he/she:

Every single moment when we get to chat and hang out ;PP

5)The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:

Um, probably when we first met.... But I forgotten what was that xD

6)If he/she becomes your lover, you will...:

Never, I swear =P

7)If he/she beame your lover, what should he/she improve at:

Um, she can't be. I'm straight =D

8)If he/she becomes your enemy, what would you do:

My life would not be peaceful and joyful anymore T.T xD

9)If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:

She did something bad to me T.T But I deeply believe that this won't happen in a million years, not even until judgement day =P

10)The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:

Try my best to be a great buddy :]]]

11)Your overall impression on him/her:

Funny and awesome! =D

12)The characteristic you love most about yourself:

God gave me life, so yeah, I love and treassure everything I have now^^

13)The characteristic you hate most about yourself:

My face? LOL.

14) The most ideal person you want to be is:

Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana ;DD The best of both worlds xD

15)For people who care and love you, say something to them:

Once again, all I have to say is I LOVE YOU ALL!!! ;DD My life would suck without you people.

Everyone is an important part that made up my life =)

Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:

1. Adam Desa

2. Kay Li, Wong

3. Emily, Chen

4. Nicholas, Phan

5. Vincy, Ng

6. Ashwinee, Rvan

7. Jillian, Ng

8. Kai Ying, Toh

9. Lyn Dee, Lim

10. Nicole, Stewart

17)Who is 6 having relationship with?

No one? She's single, I guess=)

18)Is 9 a male or a female?


19)What is 2 studying at the moment?

Hmm, school stuffs? xD

19)What is 2 studying at the moment?

Adam! ;DD On msn...

21)What kind of music does 8 like?

Pop... I hope I got it right xD

22)Does 1 have any sibilings?

Yeah, a sister :D

23)Is 4 single?

Hmm, not sure xD

24)What is the surname of 5?


25)What's the hobby of 5?

Err, online. Perhaps... Dont kill me if I got it wrong Patrick! xD

26)Do 7 and 9 get along well?

Not bad or so-so, I think ((:

27)Where is 10 studying at?

Catholic High School

28)Say something casual about your eyes:

I have no idea xD

29)Have you tried developing feelings for 2?

No.way. She's my bezzie^^

30)Where does 9 live?

Bandar Sunway

31)What colour does 4 like?

Hmm, can't figure out. LOL.

32)Are 5 and 1 good friends/Do they know each other?

Err, I don't know anything about this, honestly xD

33)Does 2 like 7?

They don't know each other =]]]

34)How did you get to know 8?

Ping Pong!!! ;DDD

35)Does 1 have any pets?

Yupp, a cat :D

36)Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?

Haha. Probably.. Woot Jillian! xD

37)Are you sexy?

No I'm not. T.T

38)What am i doing now?

Going online and doing loads of stuffs in a time xD

Monday, May 25, 2009
; 6:08 AM

Results fresh from the oven! ;DDD

First day of normal school days ever since exam ended.

Teachers work like robot xD

Some of our results are already announced ((:

Results for Mid Year Exam

Bahasa Melayu - Paper 1: 27/40 Paper 2: N/A

English - Paper 1: 37/40 Paper 2: N/A

Mandrin - Paper 1: 33/40 Paper 2: N/A

Maths - Paper 1: 40/40 Paper 2: 54/60 = 94%

Science - Paper 1: 34/40 Paper 2: N/S

Sejarah - 75%

Geography - 85%

Moral - 84%

Sivic - N/A

Physical Education - N/A

Kemahiran Hidup - N/A

Art - 85%

Note: This one looks just like an immitation of the previous results post I did for March exam=)

Zomg I find it hard to believe that I scored a perfect 4o out of 40 for Maths paper1.

Unbelievable. =D

*Cheers* *Applauds* *Claps*

For myself!! xD (This is a sign of humour, don't misunderstand me as perasan) =P

Unfortunately, I scored a mere 75 for my Sejarah...

Wth. My results dropped... T.T

Should have studied harder.

I knew that this would happen. I had already expected this.

You know, sometimes you might get a sixth sense of the fortune ahead of you xD

BC paper 1 was quite satisfying for me^^

So um, I've got nothing to comment about it.

That's all the information I've currently got.

But remember to check back soon in the future and stay tuned ;DDD

I'll update for the latest news=)

P/S: I did not have the intention of showing off or boasting when I post this. This main reason I post my results is to share it with everyone and mostly, to myself! xD

; 4:31 AM

Tagged ;PPP

1) The person who tagged you is:

Toh.Kai.Ying =D

2) Your relationship with him/her is:


3)Your first impression of him/her is:

Hmm, friendly ? xD

4)The most memorable moments with he/she:

During MSSD ping pong :D Everything single second we spent during the ping pong tournament is incredibly amazing and undescribable. =P

5)The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:

Everything? xD Lol, I have no idea.

6)If he/she becomes your lover, you will...:

NO.WAY. Never, for my entire life. I'm not BI people=) As far as we can go, just good pals ((:

7)If he/she beame your lover, what should he/she improve at:

Since she'll never become my so-called lover, then I'd guess it'll be nothing. But as friends, she is a perfectly fine person for me =D

8)If he/she becomes your enemy, what would you do:

Feel like my world came tumbling down xD Or maybe I might give her a malicious and evil stare whenever I see her... xD Joking! No offense=)

9)If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:

She betrayed me. =P Or perhaps she stole my crush xD

10)The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:

Ehem, try my very best to stimaulate the relationship between her and *insert him here* ;PP

11)Your overall impression on him/her:

One word. TALKATIVE xD But very kind and truthful... :D

12)The characteristic you love most about yourself:

Everything? I feel thankful for everything god gave to me ((: And I love being me!xD

13)The characteristic you hate most about yourself:

My irritating face! =P Joking :)

14) The most ideal person you want to be is:

Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana!!!! :DDD She managed to pull through with everything and got the best of both worlds=D

15)For people who care and love you, say something to them:

Frankly, deep down inside my heart(less dramatic), I truly appreciate the existance of you guys in my life. Without you all, my life would be dull and worthless ;]] I LOVE YOU <3<3<3

Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:

♥1 Tong Chy Suen

♥2 Loo Fui Wern

♥3 Yuen Min

♥4 Deanna

♥5 Cheryl Yoong

♥6 Ruby Yong

♥7Lee Min Hui

♥8 Ng Yew Ming

♥9 Choo Xin Jun

♥10 Loh Yi Qin

17)Who is 6 having relationship with?

She's single? xD

18)Is 9 a male or a female?

Female ;DDD

19)What is 2 studying at the moment?

I have no idea. Probaly nothing 'cause exam was way over ;PP

20)Who was the last person you had a chat with?

Haha something seem to be wrong with my memory but I couldn't recall who was it though it was just moments ago! xD Seriously=P

21)What kind of music does 8 like?

Korean stuffs I guess (((:

22)Does 1 have any sibilings?

Yup, an older sister :D Haha

23)Is 4 single?

Hmm, no idea xD

24)What is the surname of 5?

L.E.E. =D

25)What's the hobby of 5?

playing badminton, onlining, making friends, shopping, reading books, listening to music, playing games, drawing, playing basketball (I think so, cuz I found these information at her Friendster profile xD Hopefully it's correct ;D)

26)Do 7 and 9 get along well?

Not bad I guess, since they're classmates :D

27)Where is 10 studying at?

SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1

28)Say something casual about your eyes:

Can't figure out xD

29)Have you tried developing feelings for 2?

Never, like duh? =P

30)Where does 9 live?

USJ 20... (Maybe, I'm not very sure xD)

31)What colour does 4 like?

Hmm, I'll try to get to know her better someday ;)

32)Are 5 and 1 good friends/Do they know each other?

Okay larh... Yup, they definitely know each other ((:

33)Does 2 like 7?

Apparantly, yes! As BFFs=)

34)How did you get to know 8?

Hmm, from the school prefect board? Perhaps.

35)Does 1 have any pets?

Err, I don't really know... But I guess no... xD

36)Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?

To her and her boyfriend, abosolutely! But I deeply believes that everything is truly beautiful and unique, and so is 8 :D

37)Are you sexy?

..... NOT. *sobs* xD

38)What am i doing now?

Still wearing my PE uniform as I went online straight without bothering anything, going online and blogging ;DDD

Saturday, May 23, 2009
; 1:44 AM

A day out with my girlfriends... :D

Exam is over, and I kick started off the "after-exam days" with a day out to Subang Parade together with Nina and Nadiana=D
Well, basically, we went there to shop for SMK USJ!! xD
We did have an enjoyable and incredible time together.
But I had just burnt a hole in my pocket T.T Ouch!
Shoud have thought twice and ponder over wisely before splurging on anything xD
Here are some captured moments of us :DDDD

Pic taken on the way there in Nad's mom's car.

Nina~ Smile darl!!! xD

Nad having a pleasure time eating her Lagsane ;PP

Nina escaping away from the camera. Awh, don't be such a camera shy! xD

I love you Nin n Nad!!! xD As friends, undoubtedly=)

On the other hand, after searching for so many shops, I finally managed to buy Taylor Swift - Fearless ;PPP

Taylor Swift Uk Album Cover Pictures, Images and Photos

This album is extraordinaryly incredible. It's more than what you can ask for xD

I've intended to buy it when it had just been announced to be realased on the US.

But after so many attempts, I still failed. Wherever I go, the CD is already sold out.

No doubt that the album's sales are very good.

People just love Taylor so much :D

Oh and I bought the novel of Hannah Montana: The Movie ;DD

Can't wait until it hits the big screens.

June 4th. I'll be counting and waiting=)

Miley has this goodie two shoes and good girl image that seems so sweet and likeable.

I have no idea why I'm so obsessed over Hannah Montana xD

P/S: My dog has learnt to bark! Weeee~;DDD I'm so proud of him. He barked at passer-bys. LOL. xD I know that this might frighten some of them, but it indicates that my dog is gradually growing up into a big doggie :D

Friday, May 22, 2009
; 6:23 AM

; 4:18 AM

Exam's officially over!! :DDD

After suffering for seven days, with 10 subjects, 15 question papers...

GOOD NEWS - Exam has come to an end. =D

Weeeeeeeeeeee~! ;DDD

It's leading us to the aisle of fun and joy!

Now it's all about the plans for hols.

When I was sitting for the last paper, Sejarah, which is also the hardest paper among all, I've been fidgeting so badly! xD

I can't wait until it ends.

But Sejarah was as hard as eveyrthing, trust me.

I've been to my wits end, however I still cant manage to solve some questions.

Maybe not just some questions, it's a whopping of 10 questions T.T

Should've studied harder.

I've been striving so hard for staright A's, and I don't want my dream to be destroyed just because of that subject.

Thinking back on how I did not achieve my target, yes, straight A's, I feel down and frustrated.

Well, I was only one step closer until I reach my goal.

Unfortunately, everything was ruin by Seni!!! ARGHH!!!

It's a very dampening memory to recall.

Speaking of it, I did not really score badly in my Seni paper.

It's because that teacher only gave me a 25 out of 50 for my drawing.

Wtf. Can't she learn to be more generous?

After all, it wont cause her any losses to give me higher marks for my drawing. xD

Haiz, therefore, I'm trying not to let history repeat itself again.

However, we'll be getting back our exam papers soon.

Here comes the dramatic yet nerve-racking part.

I really wish to score in every single subject.

Else how can I stand to face the music?

Oh lord, I've been trying hard, well, maybe not that hard, but still, I did put some efforts on my studies so please let my hardworks pay off! xD

Let's just not bother about exam at the moment.

After all, we are uncapable of changing the past.

Once it has happened, it cannot be changed.

It can only be learned.

So um, why not we let ourselves indulge in the fun and enjoy as much as possible after being so stressed for exam?

Btw, American Idol Season 8 Finale was on yesterday night :DDD

Guess who walked away with the title?

KRIS ALLEN!!!!!!!! :))

Yippe!!~ ;PPPPP

Go Kris!

He rocks=)

kris allen Pictures, Images and Photos

Congrats to Kris ((;

However, its sad to see former American Idol, David Cook surrender his Americon Idol title to Kris.

David Cook is always the best=)
david cook Pictures, Images and Photos

Anyhow, I feel sorry for Adam for not winning.
adam lambert Pictures, Images and Photos
Because Kris really deserves it much more than he does :D

Here are 10 reasons why I don't support Adam=)
1. He wears make up. Observe his eyes. He wears mascara and eyeliner. LMAO.
2. He looks gothic.
3. My impression for him at first sight is... Well, he kinda creeps me out. He looks scary.
4. The way he sings is considerably horrible. It's true that he has a strong vocal, but something is definitely wrong with his voice.
5. He makes rock songs sound so aweful.
6. Kris is way much more good looking than Adam.
7. In fact, Kris can sing better than Adam :D
8. Something is wrong with Adam's wadrobe. The way he dresses up is weird.
9. Frankly, he sound more like shouting instead of singing.
10. Kris is better than Adam overall ;PPP

Adam fans out there, no offense=)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
; 4:45 AM

It's such a rare oppurtunity that I still get to at least post a blog during the exam days.
Well, I'm glad that I still have time to update my blog despite the fact that I've been really busy coping with my studies recently xD
I have nothing much to say, so I thought that it'll be better for me to abbriviate the words I wanna say into a few sentences instead of paragraphs=)

♥Apparantly, exam is what has been in my brain right now! xD Two more days to go=) And soon I will be free from stress! You know, people always get that kind of intense feeling during exam xD

♥Holiday plans ;DDD I've been planning for the hols a month ago ...... xD Now that I'm slowly approching to the holidays day by day :D

♥Hmm, maybe telling lies isn't that bad at all. Some people tell lies for a good reason=) That's what they call... "white lies". Although it may hurt alot once you found out that you've been deceived or cheated all the time, somehow some people lie because they are trying to comfort you or make you feel good^^

♥Omg, I made several mistakes in exam... Worse, I actually knew the answers at the first place but I juz don't know why would I make those silly mistakes. Is something wrong with my brain or what? LOL. Just pray to god that I don't make a whole lots of mistakes..... xD

♥For some certain reason, I prefer to be by myself recently. I somehow can't figure out why, but I definitely enjoy having a "me and me" time ((:

♥Hannah Montana the movie!!! :DDD Cheers for all the major fans of Hannah Montana movie out there=D It will be released on June 4th. Only on big screens=) I'm too desperate to watch it xD

♥Straight A's, Straight A's, STRAIGHT A's!!! My motto is to score A on every single subject xD I'm too greedy when it comes to "A's" ;PPP

♥We hang out with people we like and feel good. It's just a feeling that comes from within if you know that the person will make a great mate for you or not. Don't hang out with people just because you think that they're cool and for the sake of publicity or popularity ;)

I know that it's a very short post, but I've got nothing to say and I'm running out of time! xD Gotta study=)

Friday, May 15, 2009
; 8:45 PM

MidYearExam. >.<

Mid year exam had just began on Thrusday.
It'll soon come to an end on next Friday, which practically means a week more to go!
I can't wait ;PPP
But Thursday was kinda disasterous for me.
Didn't really have enough time for BC2.
No choice, I must ensure that I completely commit into each section of the paper and do everything perfectly.
Guess I shouldn't be such an ultimate perfectionist xD
But eventually, I still managed to solve all quetions at the nick of time. =)
However, for a section of the paper, I just wrote whatever that pops out of my brain lol.
Well, it's easy looking back on the fast but it's even easier to look forward on the future.
So I better let go about it and focus on the oncoming papers.
Somehow, I can't screw up everything just because of that tiny mistake I made.
I definitely don't wanna ponder the fate ahead of me, so I guess it'll be a wise choice to revise and study for each subject better than just praying to god that the questions won't be hard! xD

Hmm, also, I can't wait for my plans after exam ;DDD

Friday, May 8, 2009
; 4:26 AM

And the answer is......

I did not got kicked out of the prefect board.

Which practically means that I got chosen as a prefect! :DDDDDDD

I'm feeling very blessed and fortunate.

As if I'm on cloud nine. xD

Thank goodness that my efforts and hard works were not wasted. *winks*

On the other hand, however, I feel sympathetic for some people who had already tried so hard to be a good prefect.

They had struggled to stand out from the crowd, do their best, but at the end, to no avail, they got kicked out from the prefect board.

Whereas, some people who totally don't deserve it actually got chosen.

How unfair =(

I mean, seriously.

To be frank, I'm quite unsatisfied with the results.

But I can't do anything about it.

Hopefully, someday everything will be justified.

Let god do the job^^

Anyway, I'm so pissed off by that certain person. =P

Btw, do not forget about the MID YEAR EXAM!!! xD

I must acheive my goals! ;DDD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
; 7:35 AM

Why do bad things come twice in a row? =(

I feel extremely stressful now.
I'm going to face a whole lots of hard moments very soon.
Tough luck =(

This Friday, they will be announcing the confirmed pelatihs.
Therefore, the chosen ones will no longer be "prefects under probation" anymore.
They're going to become a REAL prefect.
How awesome is that.
I'm seriously sick of buliding castles in the air.
I want to fullfil my wishes and make my dreams turn into reality.
My goal is to become a good and dedicated prefect.
No matter what, I must achieve this target! xD

If things turn out not I as wished, I'll be really devastated and frustrated.
Well, this is fate and god decides our destiny, so I guess I'll have to face the music=(
Anyway, there's always a second chance right??
But just pray to god that I'll get chosen xD

The WORST part is, exam is around the corner!!!
Well, should I say EXAM IS NEXT WEEK.
Time flies really fast.
Mid year exam is on its way!! xD
Only days left until exam.....
I must mantain my results or maybe improve ;PPP
I've set my targets, and yup, this exam will be no diffence compared to others, I must score straight A's.
And that's a MUST xD
Oh well, guess I'll have to burn the midnight oil and study REAL hard these few days.
Gotta get some study-udy going on!! ;DDD
Too bad that I'm sort of a "last-minute" person.

Bad things all the way......
How rotten is that? xD
Hopefully the good things will come someday.... :]]]]

Friday, May 1, 2009
; 11:04 PM

Who let the dog out???

Yippeee!! ;DDDD
I had just bought a new dog :]]]
It's a 3months-old German Shepherd^^
To my horror, it's size is real HUGE but it's only 3 months! xD
It's size is almost as similiar as a normal dog, despite the fact that it's only a puppy.
Therefore, my parents named it GRANDE which means BIG in Italian=)
Hmm, you may ask why does it have an Italian name, it's because that my parents want a unique name for it ;PP

How's my dog???

Cute?? xD

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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