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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
; 6:43 AM

New "Trainee" AJKs!!! ;PPP

Woohoo! ;DDD
Pn Saramah had just announced the new AJKs for afternoon section prefect board today.
Guess what???
Congratz to Angelin!!!
She's the new Penolong Penyelaras 1 ((:
Gratz to Arjun Rvan too for being chosen as the PP2!!^^
Not to forget Ern Seong as the Ketua Blok, Rina as Ketua Pintu Pagar and Ketua Perhimpunan, Natalie Yap as the Ketua Kebersihan and Ketua Kunci! =)
Last but not least,....
Gratz to Chy Suen as the new Ketua Kantin! =D

WEEEE! ((:
I was like a dog with two tails... xD
Anyway, pity NatNat for being the new "Toilet Queen"! xD
Haha, just joking... No offense xD

Speaking of this, I was quite devastated that my so-called twin sis did not got chonse as an AJK...
To be frank, she totally has got what it takes to become a good AJK.^^
I think that she SHOULD be one with her good conditions=)
But unfortunately, she didn't get to become one....
Haiz. Nvm.
Jie, if you are reading this, cheer up :DD
Don't feel upset kay??? ((:
I will always support you no matter what^^

As they say, new brooms sweep clean.
Therefore, I truly hope that the new AJKs will improve the prefect board better :]]]
FYI, Pn Saramah declare them as "The New Team", instead of "The New AJKs" xD
I have no idea why, seriously.

Friday, April 24, 2009
; 11:22 PM

Pictures of you, Pictures of Me.

Remember when I said that I'm gonna post pictures of my B'day party?
That was sooo a month ago! LOL.
And I had only thought of posting it now. Haha.
Really sorry guys =(
Well um, at least I still posted the pics rite? lol xD

B'day prezzies! Wee! :DDD Thanks for it=) I loved each of the presents^^

Guys having a delightful time playing snooker =D

The guests enjoying their meal^^ That's Kai Ying looking at the camera! xD

We were playing "inordinary" games using poker cards. Thanks to Ji Sheng's brilliant ideas! xD

Playing the "thief, police and citizen" game thingy xD

Candid picture of everyone singing B'day song :DDD

Birthday cake pic!^^ Owh, pity Yin Ying! Damn bad la my jie xD

Sorry cuz it's only a few of it...

I'm lazy to post each of the pictures taken! xD

Hope you'll enjoy... ((:

; 5:10 AM

Back in action =)

I'm soo sorry people for the dead blog...
I had been away from the net recently, as there's a problem with my internet connection.
The wireless router doesn't seem to be working =(
Nevermind, at the very least, I get to wait til some other people's wireless network are available, then I can go online :D

Well, here's another RECAP of my life in these few days:

April 18
Sports day!!! But nothing pleasing me seem to happened on that day. *sighs*
Thank god I had to took over two shifts of duty....
Else I would have to suffer extra 1 hour 50 minutes in boredom.
You would not utterly understand the despair I felt on that day... =(
Unless you're me xD
On the bright side, I had a "mini" gathering for ping pong friends at my house ((:
Yi Wen, Wen Ting, Kew Hon, Ji Sheng, Wen Ying and her bro attended.
My kor was supposed to come, but sadly he couldn't make it. :((
Played ping pong, went to the field nearby and barbequed. Nothing else special or extraordinary.

April 22
Got my cell phone "confiscated" by my parents...
As I spent a whopping RM100 ++ on my phone bill for the previous month. Haiz.
I should have used a Prepaid line instead, so that I could control myself from being over the limits! =(
I can do NOTHING to defend for myself as I had made a mistake.
Too late to regret.
How can I ever survive without cell phone for like, A MONTH??!
One month consists of 31 days. And that's SO long, especially when you're suffering in deep pain!
What can I do then? Wait for time to past as fast as lighting?
Guess it's gonna be a tough month for me without my cell phone T.T
I vow not to be that spendthrift on my phone credits anymore.....
So um, people out there who are watching this, please DO NOT SMS/TEXT MY HANDPHONE NUMBER FOR A MONTH as it's currently with my dad now=(

April 24
I was anticipating for this day, as it was Friday.
As you know, Fridays are always great :))
But it happened to be a disaster =(
Thanks to that someone who ditched me T.T
Urghh, whatever, I'm soo over it right now.
Anyway, it's no point being mad at someone right?
I mean, I don't wanna waste my energy and focus because of someone who is not worth it.
Despite the fact that I was very devastated.
Because of this incident, I can't believe that my good mood was completely destroyed and I felt bad for the rest of the day. =(
At least that person apologized.
However, this is not the first time you know?
How many times I had heard your apology??
I sweared not to care about you anymore but I still ended up forgiving you.
Do you know that the word "sorry" can mend a bad situation for once, but not everytime?
And everytime you had broke someone's heart, all you did is only apologized.
Is that actually a sincere way to show that you're sorry?

Forget about the saddening stuffs.
Btw, we had a LATIHAN KEBAKARAN today!
It kinda delayed Maths period for 10 minutes! Wee!
I know 10 minutes may be a short time, but at least I don't have to feel bored right?

The end! xD

Saturday, April 18, 2009
; 1:32 AM

Tagged by Yew Ming ;PPP

1. Real name: Ler En Zhen

2. Nickname: Squirrel/LezLez haha xD

3. Zodiac sign: Aries

5. Female or male: Female ;))

6. Elementary: Tadika Brainchild/CEC

7. Middle School: SJK(C) Han Ming

8. High School: SMK USJ12

9. College: Who knows... Might be Harvard xD

10. Hair Colour: Black

11. Long or short: Short. Short hair ROCKS ((:

12. Loud of quiet: Ehem, LOUD, I guess xD

13. Sweats or jeans: Definitely JEANS =)

14. Phone or camera: Camera phone =P

15. Health freak: Not sure... LOL

16. Drink or smoke: No way.

17. Do you have a crush on someone?: Like, D-U-H? This is common in puberty xD Hahas

18. Waiting for?: My time to shine!!!! =D

19. Want kids?: It's hard to decide now...

20. Want to get married?: Of course. That's a significient part of life. But not now, studies come first, especially for a student like me :D

21. Careers in mind: Yup! We need to set our targets to achieve our goals... LOL...


22 . Lips or eyes : I'll go for eye=) You know, as they say, love at first sight... xD

23 . Taller or shorter : Taller than me^^

24 . Romantic or spontaneous : Can't chose from between, so BOTH =D

25 . Nice stomach or nice arms : A fit body will do :))

26 . Sensitive or loud : Neither. LOL.

27 . Hook-up or relationship : Err, it's hard to make any decision at my age... haha

28 . Trouble maker or hesitant : True love does not matter =DD, but definitely not a trouble maker xD


29 . Lost glasses / contacts : Neither. I'm not short-sighted *winks*

30 . Ran away from home : NOO WAY, though I had been so desperate sometimes that I actually thought of it. But at the end, our homes is still the best and most comfortable place on Earth =)

31 . Held a gun / knife for self defence : Never, undoubtedly! Haha! Else I might end up behind the bars! xD

32 . Killed somebody : If yes, then I would be sentenced to death punishment... lol

33 . Broken someone's heart : Um, no idea.

34 . Been arrested : NOPE. I obey the laws ;DD

35 . Cried when someone died : Err, so far, nope.


36 . Yourself : Yeah, but sometimes I'll get low self-esteem =(

37 . Miracles : Hmm, maybe...

37 . Miracles : ABSOLUTELY!!!

39 . Heaven : Yep, and that includes hell too. Hah! xD

40 . Santa Claus : Um, not sure, but so far I hadn't received any prezzies from santa yet! T.T

41 . Tooth Fairy : Yes, when I was a naive young kid, but it failed so many times, so currenly nope. *sighs*

42 . Kiss on the first date ? : Um, can I skip this question?


43 . Is there one person you want to be with right now ? → Y...E...S... Haiz. But unfortunately I'm too young I guess. I'll wait for the right guy to come by=)

44 . Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → I am, but I'll always look for something more... And I want to go the distance... xD

45 . Do you believe in God → OF COURSE! God is the all mighty!^^



Chy Suen


Joh Xhin

Kai Ying

Saturday, April 11, 2009
; 8:01 AM

I'm sooo sick. =(

I'm feeling really unwell now.

Just went to consult the doctor.

According to the doctor, my current temparature is 38.7 degree celcius.


However, I still attended school today, as I don't wanna miss out the Tweleveans Talent Show.

Most of my friends said that I don't look sick, but actually I am, honestly.

The Tweleveans Talent Show was okay overall, but I didn't really feel the passion throughout the show as I was very sick.
FYI, I was the third person to buy the ticket! WOOHOO! xD
But the show was kinda boring :(
I was sitting alone, with people I don't know on my right and left side.
BOOHOO :((((

Here's a promo video of the talent search.

Err, I wasn't quite satisfied with the resluts frankly. =(
Don't hate me for it xD
After the Talent Show had ended, I went back to class straight and relentlessly suffered in boredom for hours.
I should have went back home after the talent show.
Moreover, I was sick. So it's no doubt that everyone will surely encourage me to go home and take some rest.
15 students in my class didn't attend school today. Wth.
But since I'm such a diligent and disciplined student, I would rather opt to stay at school. Hehe xD *cough* *cough* LOL

Fortunately, we were just staying at class thoroughout Taekwando time!
Yipee! :DDD
Chit-chatted with my friends^^

that's all for today, I guess. I'm so out of words xD

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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