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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
; 5:35 AM

A bad week indeed.

This week started off real badly.

First and foremost, I noticed a gigantic zit on my nose when I woke up on Sunday morning.


Then went for a treatment to heal my zit.

My zit was squeezed. Ouch! That hurts alot!

I screamed sooo loud that I think almost the whole building heard me. =.=

How roten is that?

The begining of this week had already started off this bad, then how is the rest of the week gonna be? Worse? =(

Surprisingly, a new zit had appread below my nose not long after that.

Next, class photoshoot for the school magazine took part today.

When I'm still suffering and struggling over my zits.

Seriously, my zits are still not recovered yet and it is so obvious that it can be seen from a distance.

Most of my friends will ask "What's that red stuff on your nose?" when they see me.

Okay, though I smiled back, that wasn't giving me much pleasure. =(

I don't ever wanna mention about my zit anymore and I vow that I'll never go for any facial treatments anymore unless it's really necessary.
Or should I just consult a doctor instead for more efficient results?

Besides that, I'm getting more anxious and worried day by day.

Ever since I complained about an indian trainee prefect for being rude to the students.

She was just over the top.

She does not instuct the students politely.

Everytime she is giving an instruction, she would roll her eyes and say it rudely.

It's not nice being vulgar ya know?

Most of us couldn't bear with her attitude anymore so we decided to report.

And yep, I was the one who kinda "represented" everyone and reported it to my teacher, with my full name.

I ended up being the one who is responsible for my deeds.

I don't know who does Pn Saramah trusts more because I'm not a mind reader.

But I think she trusts that indian prefect more, since she's her favourite student. Wtf.

It kinda annoys me when she denied about her attitude in front of Pn Saramah.

She faked this angelic look and tried to beg for mercy from teacher.

How ridiculous is that?


I can feel that Pn Saramah isn't impressed with me after this incident.
The way she looked at me had changed too.
Perhaps I'm just too over-minded.
Should I worry less?

Don't care.

I will try to do my duties nicely and be more enthusiastic for all my duties.^^
Anyway, if I don't get to become a prefect, I won't mind.

How bad is this week gonna be?

I have no idea and yet I don't dare to immagine.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
; 2:28 AM

March 28 - EARTH HOUR

earth hour Pictures, Images and Photos

Earth hour!!!!
This is gonna be heaps of fun cuz the whole world will be switching the electrcities off.
Immagine how dark will our surroundings be.
But too bad most Malaysians do not show their support for this acticity. =(
So did not really get to experience Earth hour.

When it was 8.30 pm, not much people switch off the electricities.
The town was still as bright as usual. Haihz.
Since I wasn't at home, so the electricities at my house were switched off.
What can I say? Did I actually support the Earth Hour?
Hopefully my vote counts.

People out there who did not support for the Earth Hour this year, please do next year.
Cuz we seriously need to save the Earth.
Watch this video for further informations.


Basically, the Earth might come to an end in the year 2012.
Which means that judgement day is coming!
Yikes! >.<
Do you guys really want everything to end that fast?
C'mon, I'm only 16 by that time. No way.
We all want to live longer, don't we?
So please do your part to save the Earth.
Remember that every little parts count. ;DDD

Friday, March 27, 2009
; 9:35 AM

You're not worth it. Not at all. =P

I hate people who....

Fake in front of you though they dislike you deep inside.
Won't forgive or accept their friends' special abilities and mistakes.
Love to flatter others, especially people who they think are famous and cool.
Backstab their friends.
Try so hard just to ruin someone's life or sabotage a person.
Never try to understand the difficulties their friends are facing.
Get mad at their friends easily and end up in a conflict because of a small matter.

I don't care about it anymore, btw.... Just let go and who cares anyway.
There are always loads of oppurtunity to meet greater friends.
You don't mean much to me.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
; 9:27 AM

HANNAH MONTANA: 3rd Season!!!!

hannah montana 3 Pictures, Images and Photos

Hannah Montana is back with a new season after it's previous season in 2007.
I felt so consoled and glad that they're fliming a new season!
I had watched almost all episodes over and over again....
I got really tired and find it plain boring....
But now the new season is out!! ((:
I'm totally back on the groove again =)

Hannah Montana 3 is awesome!
It is jam packed with cool new songs, new stories and everything is new!
Especially Hannah's style.
It has a vast difference compared to season 2.

Hannah Montana Pictures, Images and Photos

hannah montana Pictures, Images and Photos

hannah montana Pictures, Images and Photos

Hannah Montana 3 Pictures, Images and Photos

What do'ya think? Pretty amazing huh?

As I can say, Hannah is back, bigger, better and stronger!
The stories are very fresh and impresive as well.
Great job!
I love Hannah Montana! You should definitely check it out sometime ;DD

Sunday, March 22, 2009
; 4:35 AM

my 13th birthday
In this perfect occasion, I decided to post about my Birthday party to make it more memorable =)

First and foremost, I would like to thank the guest who showed up:

1. Wei Jun, Khor (Jie^^)

2. Stanley Chai (My caring kor kor)

3. Grace Chai

4. Yong Shern, Siau (Donkey xD)

5. Yee Shing, Siau (Monkey^^)

6. Amanda Goh (Big sis!)

7. Kai Ying, Toh (Piggy~)

8. Yin Ying

9. Yi Wen, Kiing (Fish :D)

10. Kew Hon, Kiing (Nuthead xD)

11. Ji Sheng, Leong

12. Wen Ting, Leong (My partner!! ~)

13. Jeanne Ching

14. Lyn Dee, Lim

15. Alicesra

16. Julian Khoo

17. Nicole Jeneen Stewart (NicNac)

18. Chy Suen, Tong (Pet Senior!)

19. Jean Kian

20. Nick Kian

Not to forget my bro's friends and my cousins too! =D

Thanks for coming people :)))

I truly appreciate your attendance^^

Frankly, without you guys, my 13th B'day would be nothing.

Btw, thanks alot for the presents!! =)

Your sincerities had delighted me *winks*

All of the guests above are an important of my 13th B'day.

Also, I'm very blissful that Stanley, Grace, Yong Shern and Yee Shing managed to attend my party, despite the fact that they live in Puchong. Thanks alot! Muacks! <3 much=")">

Here's a recap of the happenings

5.00 pm

My cousins arrived. Everyone stared to get busy cleaning up the house and preparing some extra food, since the catering service only provides main meal.

5.30 pm

Jean came. Went to a nearby shop with her to buy some party equipments. Her mum dropped by us there for around 30 mins. We also bought some drink and ice-cream, as the weather was burning hot.

6.00 pm

Reached home, and was busy decorating the house.

7.00 pm

Some guests started to come. Unfortunately, I was still in my casual wear, not my party outfit. So immediately rushed up to change. xD The guys were standing outside having a great time chatting.

7.30 pm

Most of the guest came. Me and some of my friends started to play ping pong while my bro's friends were playing snooker.


Dinner was ready. Girls went to enjoy their meal, since it's ladies first! xD I was busy entertaining everyone.

8.30 pm

Played all sorts of games using poker cards with some of my friends whereas some were having a pleasure time chit-chtting and gossiping.

9.00 pm

Birthday cake time! :DDD

9.30 pm

Went to the playground next to my house with my friends. Played "catching". Yeah I know, it's childish. As I can remember, the last time I played that game was at 11 years old. However, we still had heaps of fun, though most of us were tired.

11.00 pm

Most of the people went home. Surprisingly, Wen Ting came =) Barbeque-d and chatted.

11.30 pm

Everyone went home.

There's no doubt that the whole thing is more than I can describe. I just couldn't utterly express everything in words.

Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable time^^

I'll upload the pictures soon. =)

Saturday, March 21, 2009
; 12:23 AM


WOOHOO! I'm officially 13! Yipee! (((:
Once again, I had grown a year older.
And now I'm a teenager. Not a child! =) *winks*
Time passes in a blink of an eye, and I didn't notice the elapse of time.
Can't believe that I'm already thirteen! YAY!

Thanks for the B'day wishes alot!
Apperciate it^^
I love you all! (((:

Oh and a very special thanks to my friend Jean Kian, my caring kor kor Stanley Chai and my loving sis Amanda for the wishes at 12 midnite!

Btw, since I had just moved into a new house, and my Birthday falls not long after the day I moved, so I decided to organize a party :)))
So um, I'm gonna post about the party later.

P/S Check back soon! ^^

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
; 6:57 AM

Been really busy these few days as I had just moved to my new house and I do not have internet connect before this neither do I have free time to go online. So yeah, I'm going to stash the happenings in my life these few days into a post. =)

March 14 - Saturday
Went to the hair salon for a NEW HAIRCUT! ((: Since that my hair is growing longer, I have no choice but to cut it as I wanna remain as a short-hair.

On the other hand, I had officially moved into my new house!! YAY!^^ Slept at around 3am.... Was busying cleaning up and arraning my bed room xD

March 16 - Monday
THEORY EXAM :))) OMG, I'm not well-prepared for it and yet I lost my self-confidence =( There is definitely no way that I'm going to neglect it so woke up real early in the morning to get some study-udy for music knowlege^^

Cooincidentally, my theory exam was held at my school! =D The exam was quite okay for me, neither too hard nor too easy.

After that, went to Sunway Pyramid with my friend, Jean (((:

Bought a pair of Ipanema sandals as I sprained my right foot in accident. It hurts badly :'(
Fortunately, these shoes were just about enough to comfort my feet^^
In fact, it looks cute too! I love these shoes =)



Marley &amp; Me Pictures, Images and Photos

Great movie indeed =D I've been anticipating dor it since I read about it on Hot magazine. It's an awesome movie. Definitely a MUST-WATCH :) For dog lovers out there, you better not miss the great oppurtunity to check out this amazing movie. Also a perfect choice for those who aren't exactly keen in dogs =D

Frankly, my eyes were flooded with tears when I was watching it, especially the ending part. My face was completely wet. It's just so touching that I find it irrisistible! xD I tried my very best to conceal my feelings else it'll be a cringe if anyone sees me being so emotional xD

As I can say, Marley and Me is a fantastic movie overall :)) So gonna buy the book soon^^

Marley &amp; Me Pictures, Images and Photos

After that, did some window shopping for an hour in Sunway. Didn't really have the mood for a shopping spree =) As you guys know, the whole world is currenly facing economy crisis... So yeah um, bet you get what I mean.... xD (so not)

Nothing much special happened in Tuesday and Wednesday, so didn't decide to post...

So um, that's all =)))


Friday, March 13, 2009
; 8:21 AM

Yet another great Friday :DDDD

I luv Fridays the most among the school days!

♥1. I get to chat with my morning section friends
♥2. School starts much later than usual as it's the prayers day for Muslims.
♥3. It's the last school day of the week, so after that the weekends are coming=)
♥4. When I arrive school early, I get to hang out with my friends.
♥5. Friday nights are made for surfing the net and chit-chating with friends.

Today was a bit extraordinary compared to the usual Fridays.
The last two periods - Maths and Moral were replaced with PJK because of the Sukantara.
YAY!!! =)))
I'm anticipating for the Sukantara as I love sports ;D
However, I only got #2 for running. Haiz *sighs*
I wanted to get #1 so badly but the muscle of my left leg kinda strained so I gotta slow down as my leg will end up in serious pain. =(
Well, look at the brighter side - I gained a point for Norton! :DDD

Hmmm, THE-END! xD

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
; 4:57 AM


for March's monthly exam.

The long waited and expected results were finally announced!

Well, as a matter of fact, not that long, just a couple of days. xD

Hmmm, I got some results for this term's exam =)))

Bahasa Melayu - N/A

English - 92%

Mandrin - 79%

Science - 95%

Mathematics - 96%

Sejarah - 82%

Geography - 96%

Moral - N/A

Kemahiran Hiup - 80%

Seni - N/A

N/A = No answer

Well, some weren't announced yet.... =(

But still, I'll wait, patiently^^

Hopefully by this week I can get all the resluts announced:)

For Geography, I got 98% at first sight, but suddenly my mark was reduced to 96% as there are some changes for a question. T.T

Kemahiran Hidup, I scored 30 out of 40 questions and there are still 20 marks for our Buku Nota.


Can't say that my results are excellent or smattering. Just satisfied.

Therefore, I truly wish that my other subjects will satisfy me as well :DDD

Especially Mathematics. I've got really high desirations for this one.

So um, good luck to those who are having exam!^^

Sunday, March 8, 2009
; 8:44 PM

BFFS for eternity~
Pictures of you, pictures of me

November 14, 2008

When we were still in out primary school uniforms.

March 8, 2009

All grown up and in our secondary school unifroms. Too bad that we are not in the same secondary school. =(

This is the story of EnZhen and Kayli :DDDDD


; 1:32 AM

SJK(C) HAN MING!!!!!!!!

For the first time ever I can finally step on the front door of my primary school in 4 months.
Well, as I remembered, I officially left there on November14 2008.
Hehe, I can still remember it well, as it is a very memorable day for me.

Remember when we all were singing farewell songs, saying good byes, and feeling depressed and loathe to seperate with everyone.......
Now we can finally see each other's faces again!=)

Today the graduates from SJK(C) Han Ming class of 2008 went back to their former school.
Because the ceremony for UPSR scholarship was held today.
The ceremony began at 9am, but I arrived at 10.30am.
What a shock.
Thanks to my dad.... =(
I used to feel so ecstatic and aniticipating for this day, but then I was a bit upset that I arrived that late.
So by the time I arrived, ALOT of my ex-classmates had already went home. *sighs*
I had missed the big oppurtunity......

Well, at least I saw some of them, including my BFFs for life!!!^^
#1. Sindy
My BFF since I was std2!!!!! I love her :DDD She's the person I trust the most. I really miss the gossips we had together and the moments we spent together.... When I saw her, I almost felt too thrilled and overjoyed!! OMG! You didn't change~! Your hairstyle, your specs, your face.... Everything about you still remained the same.

#2. KayLi
Another of my best friends. Love her as well=D She's the best listener ever!!!!!!! When I reached there, I tried to find her but there isn't any sign. Until when Sindy and I were having a stroll like we did back when we were in primary school around the whole school compound. I can't believe it's such a big surprise to see her so I over-reacted and hugged her! Awwwwhhhh...... Long, long time ever since we last hugged ;)))

Also, I saw a sea full of famailiar facces - I feel like those good 'ol days I spent in Han Ming!^^ As if everything was back to normal.
Not to mention that I saw other friends as well.
Chated with them for a short moment.
Of course, took my scholarship of worth RM100 for 7A's :DDD

After spending some time there, sad to say that I gotta leave :'(
Before leaving, I did not forget to have a warm hug with my BFFs =D
I love them =P
Unfortunately, this special moment had to come to an end....
So, for another time, I said and received good byes.
Farewell, my buddies, my primary school..........
Gonna miss them so badly T.T

Maybe we could go out for a gathering sometime????


Friday, March 6, 2009
; 6:12 AM


Here is a list of our animal-alikes in the Twelevean ping pong team:

Yi Wen - Fish

Kew Hon - Wolf, Nut head

Kai Ying - Pig

Yong Shern - Donkey

Yee Shing - Monkey

En Zhen - Squirrel

LOL!!!!!!!!! xD

; 3:34 AM

Arrived school as usual today......
Went to the bus stop to chat with my mornin section friends.
Feeling really excited to see them as I can only see them like, once in a week.
Suddenly, I felt strange and all I remembered was that I have forgotten my neck tie!
Omg, as a trainee prefect, how could it be possible for me to forget my tie?
Thankfully, I saw Grace and borrowed hew tie.
Phew...... problem solved! Thanks to Grace, else I'm gonna end up in huge trouble. :DDDD
By that time, Stanley Chai and Grace were already heading to their mum's car.
So didn't get to chat with them.

Then, saw Stanley Eng and Yong Shern, so went up to chat with them.
Thank god they were there, else I gotta go into the school coumpound and suffer in boredom.
Unfortunately, Stanley Eng told me that today will be Yong Shern's last day in SMK USJ12.
Oh.My.Gosh. my heart immediately sank to the bottom and I felt so shocked.
But why?!
Yong Shern said that it is compulsory to take EST in SPM, and yet he isn't very much confident in that subject, but he wants to score straight A's in SPM, so he had no choice, but to transfer to SMK Puchong Utama. Yee Shing will be following her bro as well.
Tears started to gather in my eyes.
Really gonna miss Yong Shern and Yee Shing......
When I was feeling depressed for this, Stanley Eng sang a funeral song and urged me to cry....
Ughhhhhhhh.......... How dramatic.
Hugged with Yee Shing and both of them had to go home.....
So greeted them with the last good bye.
So loathe to see them leaving......

I'll never see them at school anymore, forever and ever. *sisghs*

Okay, I was expecting to know my scores in the exam, but sadly teacher said that they are only allowed to announce the results next week.
So it means that I gotta wait for a few days.... and simultaneously having my nerves racked and also feeling more worried. =(
Whatever anyway, since PATIENCE IS VIRTUE.
So I'll wait.

Btw, here's a dedication to Yong Shern and Yee Shing.


*sobs* *sobs* *sniffs*
Okay, less dramatic and less exagerating.
First and foremost, I wanna tell you both how much I liked and appeciated you both as my friends.
Yong Shern, humble, friendly, nice to talk to..... And most of all you're a GOOD BOY! xD
Yee Shing, kind, outgoing, friendly. A GOOD GIRL too =D
Sad to know that you guys are leaving. T.T

Well, I do not really know you guys for a long time, but I really treasure our friendship, frankly.
As I know, Yong Shern, you are my bro's primary school friend and Yee Shing, you're from my primary school. ^^
Fortunately, we met each other coincidentally in ping pong :DDDD
My words for you both are too long to be mentioned. To be serious, my feelings cannot completely be expressed through these few words. So I guess that's what I wanna post here at my blog.

Last but not least, GOOD BYE and FAREWELL!
Do not ever forget to remember me=)
And my bro.
The word "En Zhen" must always remain in your heart for eternity!
Also, I will always remember you guys=D Yong Shern and Yee Shing.

Hope to see you guys soon in the future, especially the MSSD ping next year!
Although we're gonna be compatitors, not team mates anymore, but we're always friends, no matter what.

Ta-ta! Bye!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
; 4:30 AM

Exam is OVER!!!
Muahahaahaha :DDDD

Omg, what time is it?? Time for fun xD
Been suffering and studying like hell these few days in order to prepare for the exam.
Studied like mad... especially for Sejarah.

How was exam???.....
Umm, well I have to say that overall it was okay.
But Mandrin was HARD. I left four questions BLANK. T.T
Nvm, I swear that I'll study harder for the next term exam....
Seni was kinda hard as well.
But I still managed to anwser all questions^^ (Like duh?! Cuz there are only objective questions xD But seriously, I made smart guesses for some questions that I'm not sure of)

Hmmm..... Hope to score STRAIGHT A's.
Not to mention that I wanna rule 1Genesis!!! LOL.
God bless....... =)

Last but not least, tomorrow's Friday.....
So I can go to school early and chat with some of my mornin section friends!
Anyway, I'm sooooo desperate to know my scores in this exam. I can feel the anxiety rising. Omg, what would my scores look like??

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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