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Saturday, February 28, 2009
; 8:01 PM

March's monthly exam

is on this Tuesday(3-3-09)!!!!
omg, I starting to feel butterflies in my stomach and getting nervous.
This will be my first exam in secondary school.
Hope to do well and score straight A's and also be the top student of my class!=)

Wish me and all the twelveans the best of luck!

Friday, February 27, 2009
; 3:40 AM

YAY! I fullfiled almost half of my wish - TO BECOME A PREFECT AT SCHOOL!! However, I'm only a Pengawas Pelatih. Mind the word "pelatih". Not yet a pengawas. So hopefully, I can become a real pengawas someday.

It was announced on Tuesday. Unlike what we were told, Monday=(
But, hmm, I guess that doesn't really matter now, since I already got chosen as a trainee=D

Duty starts on Wednesday. So excited for my first day of duty!^^ Oh yeah, and btw, my senior is...... Siva. *sighs* Didn't manage to get Angelin. T.T After role-call, my duty place is at the school front door. During recess time, I'm in charge of 1Amiga, 1 Browser and 1Cyberlink. After school, I'm supposed to duty at the path way behind Blok Bitara. Well, my job is quite fun, honestly. I kinda like it=) Trying my best to do my duty and be responsible of it^^ So far, all I can say is being a prefect isn't as horrible as it seems. Trust me, sometimes it can be really interesting.

My senior was okay overall. But frankly, all the prefects hate her. Yeah, she's got a little attitude problem. For example, she's ALWAYS late for duty. She asked me not to talk to my friends during duty, however she herself kept talking to her friend during duty=( She sopke in Tamil, in fact, so I cannot understand them....

Anyway, EVERYONE reacted when they knew that my senior was Siva. They all looked stunned and shocked, with their eyes widely opened and their jaws dropping. All of them would say "pity you" or "kesian you" to me.... Why? Because according to everyone, Siva is the WORST prefect among all. She's bossy, she likes to betray others, and her average mark in school exam is only 40++ Awkward huh? =.= Well, on the bright side, at the very least, she still tought me alot of stuffs, like what's my duty and some important stuffs. Oh yeah, she's not that fierce too. Hmmm, but I guess what that really counts is that I do my job well.

Besides, I met alot of prefect friends to=) They're all quite friendly and easy to talk to. So yeah, if there's anything that Siva didn't teach me, I can always ask the other seniors for help^^ Thanks to Angelin, she helped alot!=D Oh n Wei Jun and Wan Jin too=)

That's all I wanna say.

Btw, Kenneth asked me to "edit" my blog, because he is erm, unsaisfied and unpleased of the comments I gave him. So well, I just did as "requested". =.= So please check back on the "updated" version of the post about the ping pong tournament.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
; 1:26 AM

Tuesday was kinda the best day throughout this week's school day. Why? Firstly, Ms. Ngim called the ping pong players name and gave us all allowance for the tournament!=) Although it was a mere RM10, I should be grateful for it... ^^ Next, Kai Ying gave me a cupcake. Ok, it may be a cupcake only, but it's from a friend, and its meaningful and valueble to me. Its a chocolate cupcake with blue heart icing on top. It was delicious~ Lastly, my name was called for the second round pengawas interview!! So overjoyed that I passed the previous interview. Simultaneously, I get to "lepak" class for an hour because of the interview!! hehe. I tried my best during that interview, and I really hope to become a pengawas. God bless me.... xD

It was Friday, the day of prayers for Muslim, so school starts at 2.20, later than usual.

Unfortunately, I still arrive school at.... 12.45!!! Stupid transport, can't make it any later as she's got other stuffs to cope with. =.=

On the bright side, I saw Yee Shing, Stanley and Grace outside the school! Yay! They saved my bad dayxD So went to chat with them for a moment. Phew, if it weren't them, then I would be suffering in boredom for the rest of the time.

After they went home, I had no other choice but to slowly pace on the school front door heading to the school compound reluctantly. *sighs* Sometimes it isn't great to be an early bird. So what did I do? Stroll aound the whole school by myself, looking like a nerd. Thankfully, Yoshnna came not long after than so went to the canteen to grub some food with her, like last week.

Coincidentally, I saw my former primary school teacher, Mdm. Chong!^^ She was my Std4 form teacher. She came her for the MSSD sports day meeting... Whatever it is. So talked to her about my secondary school life for a while.

Btw, Pn Saramah called a few names and told us that the pelatih pengawas will be announced on Monday!=) So excited! Hopefully I passed the interview.... Pray to god.....

Then went home and gotta chase up with my BM project as we are supposed to hand in to teacher in the 23rd, which means Monday!xD I'm not even halfway finishing my project. T.T So really gotta be more hardworking and stress it out during these few days...

Thats all... Boring huh? Couldn't think of any great thing to post....

Saturday, February 14, 2009
; 8:59 PM

Tagged..... by Joh Xhin

the first time ever i got taggedxD

1.Put your music player on shuffle.

2.Press forward to each question

3.Use the song title as the answer to the question

4. Put any comments after the song's name.

If someone says "is this ok"?

If that's ok with you - Shane Wayrd (If that is with you, then it is!xD)

How would you describe yourself?

As I am - Miley Cyrus (I am just..... As I am, aren't I?)

What do you like in a girl/ guy?

Beautiful - Christina Aguilera (The beautiful sides of them.... =D)

I'll be loving you for a very long time.

Say it again -Marie Digby (Can't hear it, please say it again!)

How do you feel today?

Extraordinary - Mandy Moore (I just don't know why)

What is your life's purpose?

Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson (Spread my wings..... and Breakaway)

What is your moto?

Change - Taylor Swift (Seriously, I'd like to change and keep improving myself)

What do your friends think of you?

Who knew - Pink

What do you think of your parents?

Shut up - Simple Plan (Couldn't they just shut up for a while?)

What do you think about very often?

Summertime - The Click 5 (Summertime = Party time!)

What is 2+2?

1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T's (And the answer is.... 4!!!!)

What do you think of your best friend?

Heartless - Kanye West (Sorry but, you didn't even call me ever since the day we graduate T.T)

What do you think of the person you like?

Irrisitable - Jessica Simpson

What is your life story?

Circus - Britney Spears (My life goes round and round, just like a circus)

What do you want to be when I grow up?

Be the one - The Ting Tings (I wanna be the one and only *winks*)

What do you think of when you see the person you like?

Crush - David Archuleta ( >.<)

What will you dance to at your wedding?

Just dance - Lady Gaga (Don't know don't care.... just dance the way long!)

What will they play at your funeral?

There I'll be - Faith Hill (There I'll be... in heaven)

What is your hobby/interest?

The ping pong song - Enrique Iglesias (It has nothing to do with the song, just ping pong)

What is your biggest fear?

Nobody's Home - Avril Lavigne

What is your biggest secret?

I kissed a girl - Katy Perry (I'm straight, just joking =P)

What do you think of your friends?

My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson (Honestly, I'd get lost without them)

What does next year have in store with me?

You - Schiller ft Colbie Cailat (awwwwh)

What does love look like?

Perfect - Vanessa Amorosi (Only on the outside, but deep inside, it's not)

What do I say when life gets hard?

Welcome to my life - Simple Plan

What do I think when I get up in the morning?

Do sometin' - Britney Spears (Don't let time fly, do something and don't be lazy!)

What do you want as a career?

Cash in my pocket - Wiley ft Daniel Merriweather (As long as it brings cash in my pocket!xD)

Where will you go on your first date?

Violet Hill - Coldplay (Does a violet hill even exist?)

Describe yourself.

Bubbly - Colbie Cailat (LOL xD so not....)

If you could change something from the past, what will it be?

Everything - Michael Buble

I tag:

Lyn Dee

Kai ying

Zhi San


Friday, February 13, 2009
; 6:25 AM

It's been a week since the day MSSD ping pong came to an end.
Which practically means that I've gotta go to school as usual again, with no excitement at all. BOOHOO.
School days are full of monotony and boredom. =.=

But I hate to admit it, sometimes school days could be fun!^^

Well, I'm glad and blessed that I could actually survive thorugh a whole week of boredom right after the wonderful times had just ended. Thank god=) Hopefully I could also manage to overcome the following week too.

Thinking back, I've learned that this MSSD isn't just an incredible experience. But I also found the undiscovered wonders in my life. I can feel what it's like to be in a place full of team spirits and also to have such supportive team mates. Besdies, I met lots of new friends from the other schools too. This MSSD is just nothing but joy and fun all the way, though we felt frustrated and despair after losing in matches we could have made it. Back when I was at primary school, every thing has a vast difference compared to secondary's. My primary team mates are my friends too, but we didn't really get along that well, though we've known each other for years. Unlike secondary school, we still chat with each other despite our gender is to the opposite of each other's, during my primary time we don't. Maybe we're just shy or something.

This short period of four days have become one of the sharpest memory to me. Something that I will never forget for eternity. I kept recalling the perfect moments we had together. And I had this extraordinary feeling, which cannot be descriebd through words. *winks*

School days are almost the same every day... Nothing much to say.

Oh yeah, but today's quite inordinary compared to the past three days=) It's Friday, and Muslims are obliged to go for the prayers, so school starts a bit later than usual for the afternoon session and school ends earlier for the morning session=) However, I still arrive school at 12.45 cuz the transport couldn't make it later. T.T *sobs* How rotten is that?

But great thing, when I first stepped out of the car, I saw Stanly there at the bus stop^^ So when there to chat.... Else what can I do if I enter the school compound? Sit there all alone with lonliness and feel like an idiot for coming so early? No way!=P Also saw Kew Hon, but he's getting into the car so just talked to him for a little. Around 1.05, no other choice so entered the school compund. Wander for a while, feeling a bit freaked out as there are like so few people at school! Then broked into a smile cuz saw Yoshnna's arrival!=D Strolled around the whole school, ate at the canteen, chit chatted with her.... So glad that someone's with me!^^

Went back home as usual after school.... That's all. Told ya that school days are nothing special. Btw, there's school replacement for the CNY holiday tmr... *sighs* Arent Saturdays made for entertainment? But we still have to attend school..... Haihz.......

Friday, February 6, 2009
; 3:38 AM


my life these four days (3-6 February 2009) during MSSD ping pong.

The long-waited MSSD ping pong has finally arrived! I've been anticipating for it since last year after the MSSD ping pong 2008. Weehee!

2 February

Starting to have exciment for tomorrow's MSSD. Hoping that time could pass faster so that tomorrow's MSSD will come! When I'm at class, I kept on fidgeting and wished that school will end. I'm ready for tomorrow=)

3 February

First day of MSSD ping pong. Today's only for under18. But I still went along as a supporter. The under18 players need some encourages during their match, don't they? Hehe. Met some new friends like Wen Ying, Ree Yee, Stanley, Kenneth, Amirul, Shazmeen.... Had an awesome time hanging out and playing ping pong with them. Unfortunately, they all lost today and didn't manage to get a medal =(. But I have to admit that Syazmeen's quite good.

Btw, during our bus journey back to school, we took a pic of Kenneth sleeping. Haha. LOL we're so mean. But I failed to take one, so Kai Ying sent to me the one she took! Thanks Kai ying=)
Omg... LOL!!!^^ Haha.... Sry Kenneth, if you see this, but I guess you'll never find my blog! lol

Sry Wen Ting... Juz for fun^^ Hehe, cuz u're leng lui ma xD so decided to put ur pic... Actually cuz i dun reali have lots of pics, so I just post what I have - Kenneth and ur pic!=) Nice photo btw, once again thx to Kai ying for sending me this pic!

Went back to class after I reached school... Feeling tired and sleepy that I almost slept in class! Hahax, thank goodness I still managed to focus on my lesson.

4 February

Time for the under 15's competition. Woke up 5.30 in the morning (I did that every day in these four days), and started to feel nervous yet ecstatic for my oncoming match. Today's for the pasukan and singles.

Pasukan, first match, vs SMK Seri Indah. My nerves started to wreck.... yikes. My first match for this MSSD. Eventually, my team, Yi Wen, Wen Ting and me managed to beat them! YAY! Going to the semi finals!

Semi final vs SMK Batu 14 Puchong. Most of them are Malays, but they're good at ping pong. How shocking is that?! Sadly, we lost to them. =( we won 2 rounds and lost 3 rounds. How close we were to winning? Joking.... I'm not perasan, LOL.

The under 18 players ofmy school didn't come today, as they really gotta catch up with school (they're form 4s and form 5s). Of course, today's not as fun as yesterday, but still had a good time with my under 15 team mates.

5 February

Today's for both under 18 and under 15. None of the under 18s from my school won. Haihz. Nvm. At least Yi Wen got a silver medal for singles and Kew Hon(Yi Wen's bro) got a bronze medal for singles. Great job=)

I stepped on the front door of my school this morning, and when some of my team mates saw me, they were like "she bring books again". What's wrong with bringing books? I gotta go back to class after the competition. And these people called me a nerd. Whatever. They're just joking LOL.

Also, I had an awesome time today!!!

There were two tables outside the hall which won't be used for competition, so some players went to play there. We played doubles for king. Hehe, me and Wen Ting are girls, Form 1 in fact so some of the players were like asking our opponents not to bully us. LOL! It's great to be small that people would feel sympathetic for you!=D Haha!

Amirul has a great sense of humour too. When me and Wen Ting played with him, and one of us smashed, then he could not hit back the ball, he would do that funny pose. LOL! It feels funny when I think back.

Btw, Ree Yee's cute too! Everytime she won, she would jump up happily, as if she's a kid, but she doesn't really care, and that's what that made her so likeable and cute. Haha.

Besides that, during our journey to SMK Seri Serdang (where the competition was held), we played poker cards in the bus. But, undoubtedly, we did not gamble. Just playing for fun. Who dared to gamble? There's a teacher in charge in the bus. Had an incredible time playing poker cards too.

When I reached school, I immediately went for pengawas interview. Surprisingly, my ping pong teacher, Pn. Teo and my maths teacher were there with Pn. Maliga, the discipline teacher. So maybe they talked something good about me! Hopefully.... The interview was ok, it went along quite smoothly, and I hoped that I passed it so I could be a prefect. Just pray to god...

Another great day, but yet came to an end. Haiz...

6 February

Last day of MSSD. Today's the doubles for under 15.

Since it's the last day, we have to make it more memorable. Too bad that most of the under 18 players' attendance was missing today. *sighs* Else it twice the fun.

On our journey to SMK Seri Serdang, we were playing all the way long. It was such an amazing time we had. What we did? Can't really remember but we took some pics!

Not exactly a very clear pic. Sorry.... Cuz I used my phone's secondary camera to capture this image. Still, it's Yi Wen next to me!=) Me, Yi Wen n Wen Ting. Eh, where's Kai Ying??? She's supposed to be in this pic....

All the for of us! Kai Ying was a camera shy that she tried to hide away from the camera LOL. Hmmm, btw, where's Kai Ying looking?? Haha, Wen Ting thinks that Kai Ying looks like a rabbit, Yi Wen looks like a fish and I look like a squirrel. LOL. And we thinks that she looks like a.... mouse!!! (:

Ok, Yi Wen and Kai Ying are partners, and my partner is Wen Ting. Both of us had to vs SMK Batu 14 Puchong in the first round! Omg! This is dreadful! They were quite good. Sad to say that Yi Wen and Kai Ying lost, but Wen Ting and me won the school's another doubles team. Yay!

Next match, quater finals, vs SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1. Eunice (my senior!) and Michelle. Yikes. *Gulps* That was when I felt butterflies in my stomach. It's not gonna be easy for me to win this match. But I'll still have some self confidence and do my best.

Lost to them, first round 11-7 =( Gotta catch up!! Great thing that all of my team mates went to cheer for us during this one tough match. It kinda boost my extra energy. The match went on and Wen Ting and I won the second round! 11-2!!! Woohoo! Soooo overjoyed that I beat my senior, though it's only one round. Third round, we lost :'(, but yet we managed to catch up on the fourth round. =D I was too happy that I high ten with Amirul! Lolz! How childish.... Last round, the most thrilling match ever. Unfortunately, we LOST 11-9. That was so close! We were only one step to winning! T.T

After the match, I immediately sat on the floor and my eyes started to be flooded with tears, my face turning reddish. How close was that?!!!! Thanks to all of my team mates, who tried their best to console me. Ern Siong, thanks for telling that Wen Ting and I had already did a great job that we managed to catch up so much. Kai Ying, thanks for the tissue! =) Amirul, thanks for telling me not to cry. And everyone in my team, thanks for not accusing me for losing(: Appreiate it alot. Btw, Kew Hon and Yi Wen, great sense of humour! Haha, thanks for buying me the bottle of water when I'm in thirst! Frankly, I'm quite touch by you guys. Oh yeah, Sharon from Taman Sri Muda, nice meeting you and thanks for encouraging! Michelle, I know how bad you feel for defeating me but it's still a fair match overall. You don't have to apologize... Win or lose, everyone has to face it, as this is how life goes on.

Then, we went to KFC for lunch! We were arguing over as some people want to go to KFC whereas some wants McDonald's. But eventually, we still settled down in KFC. Me, Phaik Yee, Jia Xin and Yi Wen ordered the same - The Zinger set. It was delicious, as I can say! It comes along with the finger licking Cheezy Wedges too. Ern Siong, you sure have a big appetitie to eat as much as a MASHED POTATO, COLESAW, THREE PIECES OF CHICKEN AND A CUP OF DRINK. Just immagine! Didn't mean to insult, sorry! We played and played at KFC. Although we did not bring much money, but still we had high spirits and our laughters were heard the whole buliding.

After the meal, we had to walk back to the school. KFC is not far away. When we were walking, Ji Sheng and Kai Ying were walking together in front, having a great time chatting and barely even noticed us! We were a whole bunch of people in a group behind them, watching them spending some "quality time" LOL. Hehe... Managed to take a snapshot and also an evidence! *winks*

These 3 pictures tell it all! How obvious! The rumoured couple xD Sorry Kai Ying, but nice joke, isn't it? Haha. Wow, you two make a lovely couple that attracts the papparazi's attention. LOL

Later, we played around again. Both singles and doubles for king. I enjoyed goofing around and mcking around with the whole team so much! Returned to school around 4pm. Went back to class.... Btw, we played games and had an enjoyable time during our way back to school.

Sad to say that, everything has to come to an end. These short four days during the MSSD has reached its end. But, I still had the most incrdible time ever in my life nonetheless, which will be something that I'll never forget. I truly treasure every single moment I had with my team mates. These sweet memories and the perfect scences will always remain in my mind. To be honest, I had never been so happy with my primary team mates compared to my secondary's. Everyone became so close just in a short period of four days. My friends from the other schools told me that they've never seen a school as supportive as mine. That's because we have high team spirits. This is something that I'm proud of with my current situation. Despite the fact that I did not win much this year, just a mere bronze medal for the pasukan, but the medal emphasizes our unity. This is an extraordinary experience that I've never had in my life. When I'm writing this, tears of joys start to roll on my cheeks. Can't fight the incredible feeling inside. I have to admit that it's an awesome sensation.

Thinking back, I feel loathe that time passes at the blink of an eye. I hope that everyday's MSSD ping pong, so the fun will never end, however it's impossible. Why not let us just look forward to our future matches that loom on the horizon. Hopefully our achievements on the next MSSD will be more outstanding that this years. It's gonna demand lots of practise and hardworks, apparantly.

Last but not least, here's a shoutout to all of my team mates!

Wen Ting - My partner! We did not know each other that well before the MSSD, but after we
became good friends! Although we did not manage to overcome all difficulties, but we already did our best to be qualified in the quater finals. Awesome job, partner! Remember, next year we still have to be partners, and that's a solemn promise.

Kai Ying - The kind and outgoing one, in my impressions. Also Ji Sheng's wannabe GF! Joking, please don't get mad if you're reading this. =) Thanks for the food you prepared for us, especially the cornflakes, it so tasty and I can't resist to have more!

Yi Wen - Before the competion, we barely even spoke to each other! You're the prorest player in the team. Congrats on your silver medal for the singles and hope you'll qualify for MSSS. Hehe, remember the clean water and chrysantemum tea from the toilet joke? LOL!

Kew Hon - At first sight, I thought that you were the arrogant type that don't really like to communicate with others. But my judgement was totally wrong. That's what they say, do not judge a book by its cover. You were quite funny too! Btw, you're also a great ping pong player. I'm sure the under 18 players won't be having much chance anymore next year as you're going to be in the under 18 category. How intimidating you are? Just joking, LOL.

Ji Sheng - To be frank, you've got alot to talk! Your words are endless and you kept on talking! Hehe, how active you are... Swt. But you're not serious in most matches. You can actually still break into a smile after you lost. Whoa. Btw, appreciate the leng lui you have in your hands now - none other than Kai Ying! xD

Ern Seong - I still remember you were in my primary school team too. "Ern Seong", all of us pronounced your name in a weird yet hillarious way and it brought bad luck to us! Sorry! I'm just joking here!^^

Wen Ying - I didn't expect to get along so well with you! You're Form 4, and I'm Form 1 but we still hang out together, which is a great thing. According to my impression, you're the only under 18 girl player that take this whole competition seriously. Haha.

Ree Yee - It took me quite some timte to remember your name cuz it's kinda confusing, LOL! You're cute and fun. The way you jumped when you won.... Makes you look like a child, but still it tells alot about your great personality.

Syazmeen - The best under 18 player at our school, despite you're a Malay. Impressive! But make sure you beware of Kew Hon next year! Kidding, LOL! Unlike most Malays, you're not a racist, and you're quite polite and getlement too, I'm serious here! Hehe.

Amirul - Wakil Malaysia!!!!!! You're quite funny too and make me laugh the whole time! Thanks for the high ten yeah, though it makes you look childish! Btw, the way you wave your hand and say hi is humourous too!=)

Kenneth - Okay, sometimes you might be kinda arrogant, but overall you're a great person. Hmmm, oh yeah, you're the pengerusi too... So congratz... Btw, please don't keep smashing the ball. Sometimes it might make you look very intimidating but sometimes your smash wouldn't work. Sorry to say this, but you're quite friendly as well^^

Stanley - You're my bro's primary school friend! What an coincidence to meet you... Well, sometime you act a little sissy, but you're only joking=) Great sense of humourxD You're also quite talkative!! xD But you're a great friend^^

Yong Shern - Hmm, as I know, you're a quiet person. Also a good boy at the same time=) Oh yeah, you're quite humble too.
Yee Shing - Sorry that you don't get to participate this year... But I'm sure you can be at least the pemain ke-2 or even pemain ke-1 next year, since you're going to be in the under18 category. So well, good luckand gambateh!!^^

And the other team mates too!! But forgotten your names and lazy to list out... =D Sorry.

We had tons of joy and abundance of fun. Thanks for being so supportive ya all!^^ You guys are the best!! Hope that we will get back to those days during next year's MSSD! GO TWELVEANS! Good luck! TWELEVEANS ARE THE BEST!!!=D Miss u all and the times we had together! Our team spirits are something that the others admire. Awesome work!

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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