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Saturday, January 31, 2009
; 11:37 PM

Today my cousins from Johor came to visit my family=)

I'm feeling so joyful cuz it's been a long time since I didn't see them.

We played games and went to Midvalley together^^

Nothing much to say....

We also took a pic:)

From left: My 10 year old cousin, 8 year old cousin, 4 year old cousin (sooo cute!), my bro and me.

; 11:08 PM


Went to Tokyo during this CNY holiday for 4 days 3 nights.

Here's a coverage of my trip=)

I'm standing at the street of the fascinating Tokyo. Well, I'm wearing the same jacket I wore to Turkey. Didn't get to buy a new one. SOBS T.T

At the main entrance of Toyko Disneyland. Ready to get some fun =D

The celebration in Tokyo Disneyland ^^

Watched a drama perfomance in Disneyland. Ignore the audiences' heads in the pic... LOLz

The celebration at night. Looks better compared to the one in the day time... Nice man(:

An ordinary Japanese meal^^ Sashimi, Tempura.... They're delicious! Wow, keeps my saliva dripping.. Really enjoyed it alot.

That's all... So short compared to the Turkey trip... =(

But I hope you'll like it!

Don't forget to comment! =)


Friday, January 23, 2009
; 1:18 AM

3 February to 6 February - MSSD Ping Pong Competition^^!

Can't wait until that day :P

Phaik Yee, and some of my friends from primary school is going to participate too=) Haha, i get to see them again. Unfortunately, we're gonna be compatitors.... Unlike last year when we used to be team mates. *sighs*

FYI, if i successfully managed to overcome all matches, then I'll be a contender in the finals which will be held on Feb10. Just pray to god, and hopefully.......

But nvm, although we're opponents during the match, but after we'll surely be friends again^^ We won't give up our friendship just because of one competition.

It sure feels great to get a chance to see your good'ol mates again=D I'm feeling exultant and ecstatic. Btw, this time, I'm gonna team up with some of my compatitors at last year's MSSD. Lolz. Cuz we go to the same secondary school. It's a perfect chance to make new friends too, though.

Anticipating the MSSD! =D =P =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009
; 10:26 PM

January 23 - My school's marathon is held today. FYI, it's called the "Larian Twelveans". Weird name huh?

Ok, I knew that this day isn't going to be a good day for me. Things will never be great for me. Guess what? We gotta run through a total distance of 3.2 KM. Impressive. It must be nerve racking for everyone. My friends were like, OMG WE NEED to run 3.2KM. I'll stop exaggerating and being dramatic. But I've never had that kind experience in my life. Never, I swear. It's like, all students are obliged to be involved in the school's marathon. For a low-stemina person like me, it's gonna be a tough challenge.

However, I still attend school today. My leg's shivering, and I can feel the pulse of my heart rising. I'm feeling nervous. To be honest, I do wish that I can be one of the Top 10's in the marathon, but chances are that I'll never be. I know it. My stemina is low, and I can't stand being under the sun for a long time.

The event began with Form 1 girls. At the begining, I just jogged slowly, hoping that I could save some energy for the whole run. C'mon, 3.2 km, that's a really long journey. I did run a little to catch up the others but I also stopped for a while. During the journey, I can see St. Johns, teachers and students standing beside the road, keeping an eye of the participants, in case there's any accidents or mishaps. Some of them were like, nagging or maybe encouraging us to run faster. It did boost up my energy and motivate me, but I can't make it. I was too exhasuted. I wanted to run faster, but I don't have the ability to do so. Lack of stemina....

As expected, I did not get any awards. I finshed in 30++ I guess. Then we all gotta queue up to record our names. That was when I started to feel a headache. I feel like vomitting, but I didn't. I just sat on the ground because I can barely even stand still. The marathon is very tiring. Thousand drops of sweat was dripping from my face and body. Wow, the first time ever( as I can remember) I sweat that much. XD I feel like dying too. I was soooooo exhausted. I just wanna lie down on my bed and have a nice rest.

After the marathon, I sat on the ground for quite some time because for tireness, then I went to the canteen to get some refeshments. Good thing that my school gave us a food coupon so I don't have to spend too much money. Later, went to hang out with my buds. Then it's time for the award ceremony. Glad that my rumah sukan, Norton got some awards=D But, the overall champion is McAfee.... *sighs* I hate to admit it, but they're real good. It's like, most of the gold medals are occupied by them. What an awesome job they did. Blaster was the runner up, and Norton was the third. But it's quite satisfying. At least we're not the last. *winks*

12.30, the whole event is officially over, and I can go home and just RE-LAX. This is how a tiring day come to an end. Well, some people may feel exultant and excited for this day, but that definitely excludes me. I'm just glad that time fizzes off and it's over. Oh yeah, the good news - afternoon sessions don't have to go to school after this! Also, we're gonna celebrate CHINESE NEW YEAR! Happy CNY to everyone :) Gong Xi Fa Cai

That's all and have a properous Chinese New Year 2009=)

Thursday, January 15, 2009
I love my school ; 4:19 AM

Things will change.
Song inspiration : Taylor Swift - Change
Check it out on my playlist.

Time goes on , time flies, and everything changes in the blink of an eye. It's only been around two weeks since school starts. I can feel the tremendous change in my life. At the very begining, it was hard for me to suit myself in a new environment because it was too sudden. But now, I'm getting very used to it. I'm taking it as a everyday life. The aisle had lead me to a brand new life. Secondary school life.

All strangers' faces I've seen two weeks ago had become very famailiar to me. They don't seem strage to me anymore. Because things will change. In fact, some of them are my friends. I met lots of nice people. There's no doubt that they are nothing compared to my primary school friends. You know, it's different cuz, it's been years since I knew my primary school friends. They are trustworthy to me. I had already seen their true colours and know them well. But for secondary school friends, they do give me a good feeling, it's just that I have to wait until time comes and I can completely get to know them well.

Of course, I still miss SJKC Han Ming and all of my friends. However, I don't feel like going back to those days again. I have already stepped into a new journey of life. I'm moving forward and never looking back. But still, in certain times I will still recall my precious memories.

Yeasterday was history. That was then, this is now. My current school is SMK USJ 12 and I'm lovin it! My new life rocks=) Sometimes, I will still miss my best friend who had been accompanying me throughout my primary school life, Sindy. I might even feel the lost of someone's attendance too. This is what you call life. Hold on tight.

Don't keep feeling upset and feel like going back to your good ol' days so badly. Don't look back. Things change.

Friday, January 9, 2009
; 10:32 PM

Wow, I can't believe that there is so much coincidence in this year!

My life at my school keeps gettin better.

First, there is this guy who shares the same transport as me to school. He looked really famaliar. I obsevered and took a closer look at him. I felt as if I've seen him before. Eventually...... it is really him!!! The guy who used to go to the same tuition centre and we always had arguements with each other. He's one year older than me, and that makes him Form 2 this year. He was this sensetive and small minded person, as I knew. But that ] was something back in 2006. 3 years ago. Now, I think he really grew up and became very mature. He does not start an arguement with me anymore out of no reason at all. In fact, he was quite gentlement and polite. What can I say, people can grow up and change. Oh yeah, his voice has a vast difference compared to the past, as well as his attitude and behaviour. But there's something about him that still remains, undoubtedly his name, his face and his 70's hairstyle... LOL

Next, this guy from my music school, and he is actually in my school's ping pong team too. I did not expect such coincidence. Whoa. Of course I can reconize him, cuz it's not been long since I saw him in my music school.

That's not much I can say anymore. Also, there are a few people that I feel famaliar about them too. Maybe we have met in the past, but those memories had completely been washed out and fade away from our brains. I don't know either. But they just looked so, like someone I've met before. Anyway, that was then, this is now, so let it be. Now I'm looking forward towards the aisle that lead me to a brand new life at a brand new school. If I can reconize a person, I'll surely have the guts to admit that I've known him/her before. But I won't if I'm feeling insecured about my confident and I cannot 100% be assured.

Whatever anyway. Just to say that everything can happen. I mean coincidence. Perhaps you might get to reunite with someone you've used to know, but then you guys have lost contact. After 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, or even 10 years. Who knows. God decides our destiny.

; 3:38 AM

After completing my studies is primary school, now I'm officially a secondary student.

Let me get my story straight. At the begining, it was hard for me to face the music. I was very loathe to seperate my friends and go to a new school full of strangers' faces. My first day wasn't giving me much pleasure. The rules here at my school has a vast difference compared to my primary school, like girls and boys are using different stairs, seats in canteen, main entrance, hall..... (weird huh?). Everything is not the same and it could not be anymore. Moreover, I barely have any friends here. Here are the things that pisses me off at my school:

1. The school rules are so strict! It's like, if you ever made a mistake, then you'll end up in the Bilik Bina Insan. If worse, you might even get expelled from school! :S

2. My discipline teachers and some teachers are very fierce. I can tell it straightaway from their ferocious and evil look. They DO NOT give any mercies to students. We all have to be very alert about everything else we'll end up in big trouble.

3. Unlike back when I was in primary school, we do have the difference between top classes and normal classes. But here at my school, we don't. There are students from all grades in my class. Not to mention students who had just completed their Peralihan last year.

4. My school seperates boys and girls in the canteen, and girls and boys are using different main entrances, fields for Pysical Education, stairs... and alot more for me to list out. What's wrong? It's like my school is trying to stop us from commumicating with our opposite sex, and trust me, someday we might have social problems (joking LOL).

5. It's only the first week, and all students are obliged to memorize every details of our school, like the school song, school rule, visi and misi sekolah....... xD

But soon, as time goes on, I'm starting to get used to this new enviroment. In fact, I kinda like it too. I cannot say that everything went on very smoothly with no flies in the oinment at all, but it is quite satisfying.

This is my fifth day at school, and so far I did meet tons of new friends, including Chinese, Malay and Indian. I never thought of getting along so well with the different races, seriously. But they were friendly enough to say "hi" to me first. How nice are they =) Oh yeah, I also saw some familiar faces. It feels great to reunite with someone you used to know=D I have a great feeling about this.

I like my new school, and I think that I'm able to fit in this brand new enviroment. Although it's only been days since I walked through the front door of my school for the very first time, I felt as if I've been here a long time. Btw, we call ourselves the "twelveans". I'm proud of being apart of my school.

The aisle towards a new school begins. Welcome to a whole new life!!! Hope that my perfomance at my school will be excellent and wish all of us the best of luck!

Sunday, January 4, 2009
; 4:07 AM

In a blink of an eye, 2008's over, here comes 2009, and the long school breaks coming to an end and school's back!

Now I have graduated elementary school and going to Form 1. School will be back on tomorrow. I'm feeling ecstatic as this is the first time I'm going to be my new school officially. On the other hand, I feel kinda nervous too. What if everything did not turn up as good as I've thought???

But I still gotta think on the brighter side. Things will be okay, right??

Well, hope that all of us will have a great day on the first day of school! Wish me and you the best of luck!


Thursday, January 1, 2009
; 8:19 PM

Hi there everyone, as I promised on the post before, now I'm writting about my trip to Turkey recently. Here is the coverage of my trip to Turkey of 9Days / 7Nights.

On my way to Turkey, I arrived Doha after 7 hours 30 mins of flight and transit over there for a couple of hours. I had a day of city tour there.
Me at the Doha 2006 Asian Games stadium. My eyes look clam shut together as the sunlight is too bright for me... The climate there is around 16 degree celcius. Not too cold so it's unecessary for me to put on my jacket.

I also went to see a swimming perfomances by horses in Doha. How does the pic look? Weird? But it's pretty torturing for the horses as the water is really cold and it has no choice but to sacrifise to entertain the audiences. I felt bad for the horse.

After spending a few hours in Doha, it's time to fly to Turkey. It takes around 4 hours of flight from Doha to Turkey.
By the time I arrived the destination, it's already night time. The sky turns dark there really early compared to Malaysia. The sun starts to set around 4.30 pm as it's winter time there. Well, here I am at the Blue Mosque located somwhere at the Old Town in Istanbul Turkey.

Why is it called the "Blue Mosque"? Because it has blue tiles inside the mosque. It is the only mosque in the world with 6 minerates. Special huh?

The next morning, I went to visit the Al Sophya which is located to the opposite of the Blue Mosque. I also visited places like the Sultanahamet Square and Topkapi place. Lazy to write.... :P

The Al Sophya.

The third day, I went to see the remains of the Trojan War in Canakkale. Have you heard of the Trojan War or did you see the movie "Troy" starring Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom? If yes, I guess that you'll surely know what I'm talking about. The ruins of Troy is where Greek and Trojan(Turkey) heros fought for the Trojan war for the honor of the beautiful Helen, also known as "the face that launched a thousand ships". Check out the movie "Troy" for more information. It's quite interesting.
This is a giant dog I saw at the ruins of Troy. I did not manage to take any pictures of the scenery there. All I got is a picture of a dog with some of the remains from Troy. The Trojan war took part at exactly where I was standing, in 3000 BC according to scienctists. Which practically means that those remains had been lasted for 5000 years.

The famous Wooden Horse from the Trojan War. It's no doubt that this is the replicate version, not the oringinal one. The oringinal one definitely cannot last for 5000 years. It will surely be corroded after being exposed in the wind and rain for so many years.

The remains of an ancient kingdom of the Acropilis in Pergama. Beautiful, isn't it?

A bird's eye view from the top of the mountain.

Day 4: I visted the House of Virgin Mary in Kusadasi. Stories has it that it was built in the 1st century. There is only 1% of the people in Turkey who are Christians so this place is rare.
It's not very unique as it is only a typical roman stone cottage conceal in the green of the Bulbul Mountain.

Enroute Ephesus - the once most important commercial center of the Western Anatolia during the ancient times.

The splendid facade of the Library of Celcius. It used to be the second largest library in the world during the ancient times.
I saw ancient Greek words carved on the stones so I took a snapshot of it.

I look weird.... Those aren't snow, they are limestone. In Pamukkale.
I'm soaking my feet in the hot mineral spring.... I'm bare footed here. =D

Day 5: From Pamukkale to Capadocia. The journey takes 12 hours.... OMG I'm spending 12 hours in the bus :@ Nothing much to say about for this day (also the worse day in the trip). Finally, I arrived Cappadocia after travelling 602 km. This is indeed a long and tiring journey. Cappadocia stands for a land of beautiful horses.

They next day, I woke up before dawn as I'm going to take a Hot Air Ballon ride in Cappadocia. This is my very first time. I had never taken any Hot Air Ballon so I'm feeling ecstatic. The view here in Cappadocia is marvelous. It's covered with thick layers of snow everywhere - Brilliant! But it's also very cold. Temparature is around -6 degree celcius in the morning and -3 degree celcius in the afternoon. *Freezing* >.<

How amazing?

An extraordinaryly beautiful scenery with hot air ballons floating above the ground full of snow.

A fantastic point of view. Picture taken approximately 600 m above the ground.

Me, a local Turkish ice crem maker and my elder bro. (From left)

"Ice cream....

I scream,

You screm,

For ice scream"

LOL. That's what he said to attract customers.... Before I get to savour the Turkish ice cream, I had been fooled by the ice cream maker's tricks when I'm about to get the ice cream. Sweat...

Me with a traditional carpet maker.

That night, I get an oppurtunity to enjoy some local belly dancing and folk dance perfomances.

Day 7: Last night in Turkey. After two nights in Cappadocia, I have to proceed to Istanbul to catch my flight tomorrow via Ankara(Capital city of Turkey). It takes about 12 hours and 730 km of drive.

Me at the Anit Kabir - the mausoleum of Ataturk - the father of Turkey.

Day 9: Last day in Turkey. I'll be singing "I'm going home, to a place where I belong...." Free shopping day in Istanbul at local markets. Then, proceed to the airport for a flight back home to Kuala Lumpur.

After 12 hours of flight, I finally arrived home with lots of sweet memories from the fascinating Turkey! I'm back=D I can get back to the normal days now....

After travelling more than 2800km on the land of Turkey, visiting so many cities, passing through the Mamara Sea had an incredible experience, this trip has officially come to an end.

*****************THE END*******************

Please leave a comment!!! Thx :):) ~ ~

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Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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