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Monday, November 24, 2008
Quantam of Solace Rocks! ; 6:57 PM

Today I went to the cinemas in Sunway with my cousin. We decided to watch HSM3, but unfortunately the the show was scheduled at 6.30 pm which was too late for us as we will be heading for dinner around 7pm.

We took a glance at the showtimes board and hesistated for a while, then eventually we have made our decisions to watch QUANTAM OF SOLACE. At the begining, I do not pretty much flatter that movie as it's an action movie which was totally the vice versa to my type. I prefer comedy and drama rather than action movies.

As the movie goes on, I started to be attracted by the movie. I was so into it. It was extremely fascinating. The way the fought, handled the gun...was just sooooo cool!! I loved it so much! In fact, all characters of that movie has a really extraordinary sense of style when they walk. The way they converse is quite cool too. Everytime when the were in a fight, my heart started to pound faster as it was so thrilling. This movie is way much more better than I can ever imagine! It rocks!

OMG I really love QUANTAM OF SOLACE! It's on of the best movies I've ever watched in my life. I know it may be abnormal that a kid like me would ever like that movie but I'm serious - I like it!

Unfortunately, James Bond did not say "My name is Bond. James Bond." at the last part of the movie like he always did at the previous 007 movies. But still, the movie rocks. But I hoped that Eva Green would be the female main character like she did in Casino Royale. She really fits that character.

You guys should really check it out somehow. It's defintely a must-watch movie!

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Missin Everyone ; 8:53 AM

This is only the first day since we've seperated.

But I already started to miss each one of us so badly.

I missed how my life was in 6S.

I missed every single moment I had in 6S, including both joyful and mirseable ones.

Time passes as quick as lighting, in the blink of an eye, it's already over. We've graduated. There were so many things we did not get to do and that is a huge repent in my life. I should have appreciated time. But it's too late. Once the chance has gone, it will never come back again. Gone for once, and for all. Time would never rewind either.

When I was in the middle of my wits solving some maths questions just now, I suddenly remember the brainiac from my class - none other than Kok Hoong. It's undeniable that he is a real genius, but good thing he isn't a nerd. He is a hysterical laughter, just like me. I missed the times when we were laughing like maniacs.

When I felt all alone, I suddenly missed my BFF of six year so much - Sindy. There were lots of wonderful memories between the two of us. She has also filled my primary school life with excitement during these six years. She is the person which I miss the most among all.

Then, when I was playing Dynasty Chess in viwawa, it made me thought of the pro - zzgoh. Thinking back, we used to hate each other so much in the past, but then we gradually became friends. And I would truly want to thank him for teaching me some skills in Dynasty Chess and made me a better player who improved alot during the past few weeks. Btw, he is also an amusing person. His funny deeds always made me laugh til I have completely forget about all sorrows. Though sometimes he could be really weird.

When I heared hip hop songs, it made me remember of AuYong, Bryan Lim and many other guys. I missed the times when we were listening to music on the class computer. It also kinda remember me of Dix Xion, who always did crazy dance moves and all the model poses.

I do not know why, I also missed CheeKian so much. Do not misunderstand. I just missed it when we always argued with each other, trying to defense our mistakes. I have to admit that I once felt really annoyed and pissed off by him, but now I missed it so much. We were talkative, and everytime we argued, both of us were quite vehement and there is and endless conversation. His has an abnormal personality. But it was actually quite hillarious when I thought of his behaviour. I missed his voice when he insulted me "hong mau ren". though it drove me mad and furious once. Anyway, he is Yap Chicken, not CheeKian. LOL.

Next, whenever I see skulls, it made me thought of my BFF who is an avid lover of skulls - HanYin. I know that we were arguing and not talking to each other recently, but then during the day before the last day of school, I cannot believe that she actually picked up her guts to apologize to me for her bad attitude. It was quite unexpected that a pertinacious person like her would actually do that. I was really touched that my eyes immediately turned red, flooded and my cheeks were wet by tears. Also, I missed the times when we went to the mall together and I hope that we would do that again in the future.

Whenever I was tricked or fooled, I would thought of the swindlers - YeXiong and Zhao Jian. They were really good at telling a lie. But too bad that sometimes they were horrible in acting. I cannot believe how gullible and foolish am I that I got tricked and hoaxed by them for times. Thinking back, being tricked is not a bad thing anyway. At least it could bring some laughters going on.

I also missed the people which I used to hate so much. The best example - WeiXiang. Wei Xiang always bullied me by his "claws". Oh yeah, I should call him Mr.Xiang instead. You should check out how long his nails are. Yikes *shivers* It hurts alot when he scratched me. But at the end, I still missed the time when I was bullied. At least it's better than my boring life now with nothing special at all.

Besides that, I missed all of my friends too - KayLi, XinTong, NicNac... U guys are simply the best! I'm so loathe to leave u guys. Sad to say that we all have to face this cruel reality no matter what. We have nothing to do about it. God decides our destiny. Look on the brighter side, we are were already fornuate enough that god gives us an oppurtunity to meet each other and be friends. Although we've already seperated, I think that everything's quite satisfying. At least we had abundance of joy during the times we're together. At least we have created a perfect childhood full of wonderful memories for each other. I dare not to ask for anything much anymore.

I cannot be assured if we will meet again in the future. But whatever it is, the times we had together wil always be in my mind, and our friendship will always remain, although we have slighly drifted apart. I miss you guys so badly. Everytime I see somthing, the person related will appear in my mind out of sudden. I miss your voices, your candid smiles. I miss how you've annoyed me. I miss how mean you treated me. I miss everything.

Last but not least,

Friday, November 14, 2008
Sweet Memories ; 7:06 PM

Pictures of you,
Pictures of me,
All on the wall for the world to see.

Pictues of you,
Pictures of me,
Remind us all of what we used to be.

There is always you and me,
Every single moment.

This is the story of us all


Sindy+Angel - Best friends for life
p.s: who's that on the background???


Best friends forever despite the fact that three of us are heading into different directions


Miss the times when we used to laugh like maniacs. Friends Forever


This one is really funny. I laugh whenever I see this pic


He was attempting to jump down the windows.


Me n Yenchi. She's such a talented singer with a melodious voice! She has a bright future in her singing career.


The frenzy scene in my class. I missed the noise and everything. Love my classmates too. But too bad that our lifes will not look like that again.


Hanyin and me. Whatever gurl + Wrestling BigFan. Love ya forever!


Us eating school food for the very last time.


Pro doing some talent moves. Put your hands together for him!


L:Me R:KayLi We rock as BFFS!!


Me and YuenXian.


Me and teacher Vatsala(One of the best teachers!). Btw, take a look at the blackboard. A master piece by students 6S'08. Copyrights reserved.


The brainiac KokHoong and me holding our trophies. Wow I looked stunned. Oh n DixXon looked kinda mad at the background... LOL


The first place trophy had blocked the perfect view... This pic was taken by ChongJin but the trophy was DixXon's... Swt


We took this pic before the end-of-school celebration.


KokHoong and XingTong.


Candid smiles of me and the icon XingTong.

Pros playing Chinese Chess. It was indeed a long match. Btw, look at the silly Mr.Xiang(Our version of Mr.Bean) LOL


Sindy and HanYin. My besties for life.


The mini casino set up at my seat. I will definately miss the times when we were playing BlackJack and using Chinese Chess as money. It was so much fun.


Our version of Casino Royale.

That's all... This pics had recorded the sweet memories I have had with my friends... Gonna miss 6S'08 so badly. We all from 6S rock!


Please commemt the pics too~ Thx

Farewell everyone ; 1:17 AM

The time has already arrived.
All of the students in class of 08 had already stepped out the door of their primary school.
From now on, we'll be seperating and heading into different schools.

6 years of primary school life has finally came to an end. Time to say goodbye to my alma mater, SJK(C) Han Ming. I will be missing every single part of that school. There are lots of sweet memories in all corners of that school. No matter how bad or lousy could that school be, at the end I still choose to love it. You should know how incomplete our school facalities are, how bad the stench that ozzes out of the bathroom stinks, how bad is the standard of that school and just everything is below satisfying. So what? I cannot deny that it is my alma mater and I kinda have a wonderful time there.

During the past years, year end holiday was everything that I wished for throughout the year. I hated school days alot and I hoped that school's already out. I've been anticipating for the year end school hoildays all time. Because when school's over, no stress, just have fun and no homeworks! How great would it be. But now, I rather stay at school and see my friends every day. If I get to pick, I'll surely choose school days to holidays. Going to school is just such an amzing and blissful thing, but yet I only realized it now and it's too late. I had officially graduated.

Recalling my memory - I remember the time I first stepped on the front door of that school, I was just a naive and childish little kid. Time passes in a blink of an eye, now I had graduated and left that school. There were ups and downs throughout the pass six years I spent at that school. Wonderful and mirserable memories. I just missed the days I spent with my trusted friends at school. We had abundance of joy together. We laughed loudly and hapily despite nasty comments by others, got ourselves into troubles, acted silly and childish, playing friends, arguing with each other...... Those times were just too awesome to be described by words.

Today I took picture of all memorable parts of my school. I'm defintely missing my seat at class - the table and chair which had been providing me convinience when I was studying. There is no way that I will get a chance to go back to those days I had at school. Unless I'm a wizard and I can make deja-vu happen. The thing that I will miss the most is my class - 6S'08. I never seen a school of pupils so amazing like my classmates are. And no matter how far is the distance between us, we're always a student from 6S, class of 08. We can get along really well with each other and live in a harmony. Too bad that those times were already over. But still, 6S'08 will always have its outstanding achievements and glory remained at SJK(C) Han Ming for etenity.

Okay lets talk about how I spent my last day at school. I played Blackjack with some friends. We kinda gamble, but we used chinese chess as money. Maybe not the real gamble. We acted as if we were in Casino Royale. It was so much fun. The game lasted for hours and we're still not getting bored as we deeply understand and we'll hardly get an oppurtunity to play together again. Perhaps we might even NOT stand a chance to do it anymore. I also took pictures of the scenery of my class as a remembrence. My class used to be so merry and lively, full of noises and energy, but sadly it will not be the same anymore. The noises are slowly fading away, then eventually it is all gone. Which also indicates that everyone's leaving. =( Now 6S will be deserted for a moment. Soon, it will be filled up again by all the future standard six students.

There was also a last-day-of school celebration. For the past years, they had been giving out prizes to the top ten students. I always wanted the trophy so badly, but I was always a few more steps closer to receiving it. What a pity. Fortunatelty, this year I did manage to be one of the top ten students. I got a trophy! I'm so glad as it emphasizes my hardwork during this year. And all of us had a great time too. I also strolled around the school for the very last time with my BFF. I looked at every single corner, and the times I had those days appeared in my brain. Thinking back, I had built a strong friendship at that school. Now, it felt as if everyone's attendance is missing. I miss everyone's faces and voices so much. I will also miss eveyone's candid smile alot.

Those precious moments I had at school are the past. It's turning into history and can never happen again in the future. But we will always be friends, wherever we go, wherever we are, although it had been a long time since we did not see each other. At least we still have each other in our memories. Don't count in how long we can stay together. The true thing that matters are the joy and fun we shared when we were together and the friendship between us which will also remain forever. However, I do not wish that our friendship will drift apart after we've separated. in this new generation of science and technology, there are all sorts of way to make us stay connected - either via sms, msn, email and more. So I truly hope that we will always keep in touch.

It's hard for me to accept the fact that everything's over. It has come to a permanent end. Everything will not be the same anymore after we head towards secondary school. We'll barely even stand a chance to meet each other so we have to appreciate the time when we're gathering. I know that all of us are loathe to leave 6S'08 and seperate with each other. We used to be so unseperable and our friendship is like no other, but sad to say that we must seperate to live the dream we wish for. Life is not always perfect as you imagine, and there is no doubt than sometimes we will have to face grieves. Be strong, overcome all the depressions and difficulties and someday the rainbow will appear. This is a neccesary and vital part of life. I know that we will be missing each other so much but we have no other choices. We have to pursue our career for a brighter future. This is how life goes on. But please never ever forget the precious moments we had together.

Until then, farewell my beloved friends! Love ya all so much! U guys are the best! Don't forget to remember me when you're in secondary school! Friends for life, no matter what.




Friends forever! Pictures, Images and Photos

forever Pictures, Images and Photos

friends forever Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
; 10:44 PM

UPSR results were already announced today.

I was feeling really nervous - like butterflies in my stomach.

Before the results were announced, my BFF and I went to our "secret" hang out place. We went there as the noise in our class is rising and we can barely stand it. I understand how nervous my classmates. That's why they were making all sorts of silly and loud noises to avoid themselves from looking nervous. The frenzy scene before when our results were about to be announced is totally unimaginable. I can tell they everyone was just too elated and excitied for their own results.

It's time when my class teacher announce the results. Most of us got straight A's. Everyone was applauding and cheering for those who got straight A's and also for those who got 6A's. There I was, sitting next to my BFF at the back corner of the class. My heartbeat started to race faster then ever, my tears alomost dropped as I'm too nervous. When I saw my classmates who achieved good grades looking blissful and ecstatic, I felt happy for them too. I really hope that I can share the joy together with them.

When the class teacher called my name, I stared at her longingly, with an eye sight full of hopes, wishing that she would tell that I got straight A's. This was the moment I've been waiting for a long time. This was the moment I was anticipating for after three years of hard work. Eventually, I got.................................................... STRAIGHT A's!!! OMG! Where's my arlam clock? Is this just a dream? Nope, it's the reality!! I'm so shell-shocked and thrilled. I got 7A's - YAY! I was feeling blissful as if I was on cloud nine. This was just too unexpected.

Finally, I managed to score straight A's!!! Thinking back on how I strived just to earn this moment, I felt really consoled that my efforts payed off. My eyes were flooded and tears of joy started rolling on my cheeks. The joy I had was just so indescribable through words. To my surprise, 36 out of 53 students from my class actually scored straight A's and shared the joy together. Gosh, 36 of us! Cheers for my class! If I was not wrong, only 24 students from 6S'o7 got straight A's and around 4o students overall from my school achieved straight A's. So which practically means that students from class of 2008 broke the previous record of our school and made history! Yay! We all succeeded!

Well, this also indicates the end of my studies in primary school. I'm heading to secondary next year. Btw, tomorrow is the last day of school. The last day we all will be able to be together and share the perfect moment. The last day I will see everyone's faces as usual. After that, we'll be seperating and moving towards another journey of life. Most of all, the last day that my classmates will be able to share the same classroom. It's actually quite sad. I'm sure that we all will hardly get an oppurtunity to be together again. No matter if we planned for a gathering,
some of us's attendance will also be missing. T.T

I will always love my classmates forever. Not only we made history, but we all have a really unique friendship too. I have to admit that sometimes some of my classmates are acting really irritating, but at the end I still will miss it so much as it is very witty and amusing. Quite hillarious too. I will absolutely miss each one of my classmates.

Lastly, 6S class of 08 rocks til the end. I do not care if my class will no longer exist in the future anymore, as there will be future 6s "heirs", but at least the history we've made, the outstanding achievements we've got, our glory and dignity will always remain for eternity. Love ya forever, 6S class of 08!!!

Now that UPSR's over and my primary school has officially come to and end, I am looking forward to PMR which I'll be facing the next three years.

Nervous ; 4:22 AM

This is the day I've been waiting for the past two monts.
UPSR results will be announced throughtout the nation tomorrow around 12pm.

Oh gosh, I'm feeling really insecured now. I can't guarantee my chances of achieiving straight A's.
I have got high desirations on myself. And so do people around me.
I must score no less then 7A's. Else it'll surely dissapoint everyone - mostly myself.

My burden is turning heavier. My nerves are racking deep down inside.
Tomorrow is the day I have been anticipating and also avoiding. What an inconsistency.
I am dying for tomorrow as I'm really curious about my results. Simultaneously, I'm also trying my best to hide away - because I am afraid that it would end up in a huge frustration.

I remember since the day I began upper high in primary school, teachers started to teach everything concerning UPSR. When I got into Standars 6, it got even worse. I feel like teachers are exaggerating UPSR. Every single thing they did is because of UPSR. Everytime they open their mouts and speak out, it would be something about UPSR. Like what questions are most likely to be in UPSR, what kind of method should we use when solving questions in UPSR, what the average difficulty for UPSR is, what should we do when facing certain type of question in UPSR... bla, bla, bla........ Everything is surely related to UPSR! And it's driving me nuts! There are even motivation speeches about UPSR and speech especially made to analyse the past year questions. Sometimes it could be pretty useful to me, as it stimualtes me to work harder for UPSR. However, it also gains my worries for UPSR. It made me felt pressured and stressed.

I worked hard for UPSR. Everytime there is something I do not understand, I would find a way to solve it, no matter what it takes, I need the right solution. I would search informations from dictionaries and books, and I would even memorize everything in the textbook just to ensure that I know the must-knows in the Standard 6 syllabus. Although I seemed as if I do not care on the outside, trust me, on the inside it's way to the opposite of what it is on the surface.
When UPSR is slowly approaching, I was totally freaked out. Everytime I thought of how teachers described UPSR, my nerves will start to rack, although it's obviously that they are just exaggerating. You can only understand what it feels like if you've experiences on this type of situation.

Forget about it.
UPSR was already over two months ago. So what can I do to change the history if my results was not satisfying enough? Like I have magic to make deja-vu happen? Impossible. But I'm still feeling anxious now. I hope that my hard works would pay off tomorrow. Wish me and all the Standard 6 students the best of luck!

Monday, November 10, 2008
In pain ; 5:36 AM

It's over! Finally!

Today I was obliged to sit in a Japanese style on my chair throughout half of the day. You know, I lost a bet to a friend in Chinese Chess and he made me do it. How evil, cruel and ruthless he is. Actually, it was my fault too as I should not accept the bet since I already knew it earlier that I have not much confidence in my chances of winning.

At the begining, it was actually quite fine for me. It does not hurt that much. Besides for the fact when people think that I'm probaly insane when they see me like that. But as time goes on, it starts to hurt. In fact, my knees were seriously in pain. It's turning reddish. My legs are completely numb. When he did not notice me, I quickly chnged back to my normal position. So it kinda reduce the pain for a while. But no longer, he saw it and kept nagging me to sit in a Japanese style. I'm pretty annoyed when I hear him nagging so I listened to him. No other choices. Anyway, this was a bet which I accept on my own and I should always keep my promise. Guess I have to just stand the pain.

Okay, its getting really unbearable. I can hardly feel my knees exist as it were paralysed. So I rather stand up instead of sitting like a Japanese. I wonder how does all Japanese survive sitting like that? Won't it hurt badly? Good for me, he allowed me to stand up. Thank god he isnt that evil. He still has a sense of mercy and sympathy. Else I doubt that I will be able to walk. If I kept on sitting like a Japanese for the rest of the day without any rest, I will definitely be hospitalized.

Imagine it. Me sitting in a Japanese style for three hours. How much pain would it be. Moreover, I looked abnormal sitting on the top of my legs on my chair. My face was blushing when someone used that kind of weird look at me especially my teacher. They would think that I'm really mad or something as they did not know the reason why I'm sitting like that. How embarrasing......

But time passes very fast and three hours of doom had eventually come to an end! Freedom! Yay!

Friday, November 7, 2008
Graduation Day ; 4:03 AM

Take a glance at the countdown I've created.
I find it so hard to believe.
SIX DAYS until the day I'll be leaving my school.
But seeing is believing. Time does elaspe in a blink of an eye and you can barely notice it.

To my surprise, when I woke up in the morning, I realized that today is graduation day. I remember when yesterday I was still a new student stepping on the front door of my school for the very first time to begin elemantry school. Now look at me, I've already graduated elemamtry school!

But this was the day I used to fear of.
I was loathe to graduate because after that I'll be leaving my school and most importantly - my good pals.
I hoped that time could rewind or freeze so that I can remain in my current situation forever.
But that would only happen if the sun could rise on the west. It's definitely a miracle.
When graduation day is gradually approaching to me day by day, my nerve began to rack. I am really afraid that I cannot accept the reality and I would be very depressed.

When I arrived at school today, I have a fear that my eyes would be flooded during my graduation. It's like a sixth sense of something. First, we put on our graduation dress and trust me, I think they haven't wash it for a couple of years as it makes my legs itch! I felt like scratching my legs but I'm afraid that it would leave scars on it. So I abided the itchness though it's killing me deep inside! Although this is only elemantry school graduation, we all still get a chance to wear graduation dress and motar. It really felt as if we've graduated university.

My friend who gradauted elemantry school last year showed up during my graduation. Her attendance had brighten up my day. It had been a year since we did not see each other. So I was kinda shell-shocked to see her again in real person.

During the moment when we were about to enter the school hall, I was really ecstatic and overjoyed. This is the time of my life in elemantry school! I'm graduating.... =D After six years of hard work, I am actually graduating elemantry school now and heading to a whole new nevel of life. I have had heaps of fun spending time playing and chatting with my friends despite the boring perfomances I've already seen before for times during audition and rehersal. And the highlight of the day was....... nothing. Every single second I had today is equally the precious and memorable to me.

By the way, I did not even drop a single tear today! I thought that I was going to have my eyes red and flooded with tears but eventually things showed up exactly to the opposite if what I've imagined. Surprsingly, no one cried either. Oh come on, I was expecting for some drama today!... Haha. Okay, maybe someone did cry but it's just that I did not notice it, perhaps.

Well, there is no doubt that I will be missing my school of six years. Thinking back, I have been through alot of expereinces during this six years, including ups and downs, happy and mirserable ones. I have to admit that I hated the stench that oozes out of the girls bathroom, the insane teachers, the incomplete facalities, the school food which had been seriously affected by germs spreaded by flies and a whole lot other more. But in the end, this is still my school which had been providing me a place to learn and study. So I'll totally miss every single corner of my school. There is a happy memory in each part of them. They had been accompanying me during this six years and giving me a wonderful childhood. Now, it's time I'll be saying goodbye. I'm all set for another journey of life.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Don't ever bet on it ; 11:14 PM

Recently, I seem to be interested in Chinese Chess.
I do not really know why, but it's a kind of feeling that comes from within.
Frankly, Chinese Chess used to be a boring game to me. But that was then, this was now.
If I was not wrong, it had been years since I did not play that game.

People would think that it's weird to see me having such fond in Chinese Chess.
At the first few matches I played for the first time in years, some people would stop by, take a glance on the match and tell me that they have not see me playing this game. Some even find it hard to believe that I would actually like this game. I did not know why the reacted like that, but at least they finally know that I can go further that they could ever imagine. Haha... =D

Like everyone else, I have ups and downs too. I won some matches and lost some.
Undoubtedly, I lost to the professional in my class for most of the matches. But look on the brigh side - at least I beat him in one match. Just that one match. However, another friend assisted me in that match too. So I might not have won wihtout my friend... But who cares anyway.

Let's get the story straight.
Yesterday, another friend came up with a bet on me in Chinese Chess. Whoever loses must sit in a Japanese style at school for the whole day. I was kinda freaked out and worried that he would defeat me but I still took the guts to do it. I accepted his challenge.

Eventually, I LOST to him! Oh gosh, now I would really have to sit in a Japanese style(Ouch! That will seriously hurt my knee!:@). I regretted for not declining his challenge. I should have think wisely about the consequences. But this is a bet which I practically accepted it by myself. So I cannot break my promises. I deserve any punishment made. Guess I have to sit like a Japanese for half a day on Monday.... T.T

Lesson learned - DON'T BET ON IT unless you can be assured by the chances for you to win. Else you'll surely repent.

New School ; 2:12 AM

Today I've been to my future school for the very first time to register myself.
I felt very nervous - like butterflies in my stomach as this was the first time I'm going to my new school.

The first thing I've noticed about it when I stepped in are the cool uniforms the prefects have on them. I kinda liked it and I really hope to be a prefect in my future school someday. So that I also get an oppurtunity to wear those cool unifroms to school... LOL
Besides that, the students there are pretty affable too. Each of them greeted me with a warm welcome and a friendly smile on their faces. It made me felt as if I'm already a part of this school.

I registered my name and I'm done. I left after that. Sadly, I did not get a chance to stroll aound the whole school and check it out. But I will soon as it is my future school.

Hope that I'll be able to fit in a new environment and things would work out smoothly in my future school. Also, I wish that my results would not ever get worse. In fact, I want it to improve and be better than ever!

Wish me luck in my future life and to those whom are also in my year
To my friends, hope that you'll have a pleasant life in your future schools and succeed in whatever you want to explore!


Saturday, November 1, 2008
Time passes so fast ; 3:35 AM

Can you actually believe it?


It's already November today!!!!


Time passes as quick as lightning.

I remember yesterday, I was still celebrating New Year for 2008.
Then now, in a blink of an eye, it's November!

2008 is gradually coming to an end. And I did not realise the elapse if time.

Thinking back, there were lots of wonderful memories in 2008.

Perfect moments. Heaps of fun. Tons of joy. Abundace of happiness.

Unfortunately, it was all turning into history.

And that was once, and for all as it will never happen again in the future.

I can only recall those terrific times I have had in this year in my memory.

But as soon time goes on, those amazing scenes in my memory will slowly fade away.

I am so going to miss my best buds and everyone.

Life will change tremendously when I'm in secondary school.

I will be seeing a sea full of strangers' faces.

So what?

I have finally learnt to let go.

Hey, this is a part of life which everyone will have to face. It's a vital and necessary part of life.

There's still a long journey in life.

No matter how hard it is, what it takes, I will struggle to manage to overcome all difficulties.

I have confidence in myself that I will learn to fit in a new environment as life goes on.

New school. New life. New friends. New everything. Move on.

It's unecessary for me to feel loathe about it. Or even bummed.

After all, I can always keep in touch with my mates via email, phone calls or sms. We can also have a gathering whenever we want. It's not like our lifes are pent up or something. We will always stay connected with each other with an extraordinary sense of friendship feeling which is indescribable through words. The most important thing is that we're in each other's memory and we have became a significance part of each other's life.

I am all set of a brand new life. It's time I learn to fall, say the word "goodbye" and feel the sunlight on my face which symbolizes a new beging full of excitements and hopes. However, my friends will always be in my mind. I vow not to forget them and theres no doubt that I will be missing them.

Ok, there's only days left til the time we will seperate forever and I will appreciate every single precious moment we spend with each other.

We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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