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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why are teachers so insane ; 11:29 PM

I think that probaly most of you guys will agree with me on this one.

Some teachers are soooooo insane, aren't they?
They are mostly morphosis-minded.
To be frank, I seriously think that they need to consult a psycisit.
I'm merely being thoughtful for them before it's too late and one day they would really have to check in at the MPH.
This is not an insultaion, but a great advise. Perhaps.

Okay, lets get the story straight.
Do you wanna know what had happened today?
I was punished by a tecaher.
Not because of my mischief.
Neither because of my misbehave too.

Guess what.......
Because I SMILED!!!
Don't be shocked.
Ridiculous, isn't it???

I was caught because of SMILING!

Come one, what's wrong of smiling?
Is it against the school rule?
Or don't tell me that it's illegal to smile....
Haha, very funny.

That teacher is seriously insane and mad.
I doubt that she is having a mental disorder.
But why is she so ruthless to students?
Why aren't we allow to smile?
Maybe she thinks of our smile as an offence of hers. She thinks that we're laughing at her. Or else.

But whats so bad about smiling?
We're feeling joyful and happy. That's why we smiled.
Isn't smiling a good thing???
It emphasizes optimist.
You should have heard the quote "LIVE. LAUGH. LOVE."
Scienctists are encouraging us to smile more often because it does boost our health.
Moreover, smiling means that we're having a great time and enjoying life.

Sadly, certain teachers do not allow us to smile.
And that really makes me wanna protest against their improper deeds.
Oh yeah, students are human beings too.
So we have the rights to smile.
Smiling bring advantages to all of us.

Why won't teachers allow us to smile?
Don't tell me that they feel glad to see students looking gloomy and sad.
We sudents do not want to be a pesismist.
There is only two weeks or less until we will leave our school and graduate.
We just want the remaing time we spend in our school to elapse with full of joy and excitment.
Not boredom and sores.
There's not much time left during the days we spend in this school so we are truly appreciating the last moments.
We want a happier and better memory before leaving the school.
So we should enjoy ourselves, be free-spirited and just laugh whenever we like.

Thinking back of the moment I was caught red handed (but not actually cause I did not commit a crime!) for similing, I suddenly feel like laughing as it was just so hillarious. I mean the look on that teacher's face when she yelled at me. She widened the tiny eyes and looked feriocious. She looked kinda evil and cruel too. Her voice was so harsh that it had frightened some innocent students near me. But the whole incident was pretty much ridiculous. I was punished for smiling....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Sorry for an insultation in this post. But it was the truth. Don't think that students are slave. This incident also remembers me as if my country was occupied by the other country during a war and I am slave who were caught because of smiling.

Whatever it is, I honestly think that SOME teachers should try to be more understanding and nice to the students. Look, we students do not want to have spites between any teachers and its real. They should change their attitude.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm Still Okay ; 11:04 PM

What an unlucky day.
There are two bad news in a row.

I already knew that it would happen. Eventually both things
turned out as I expected.

The first one was......
My mom has declined my choice to go to Catholic High. Huge bummer.
With that, I won't be able to stay with my good o'l pals anymore.


Well, I guess that I have no other options but to accept the fact that this is reality.
However, I truly hope that we all could be friends for eternity and never drift apart no matter the distance between us. May god bless all of our friendship forever.

Ok here comes another one.
There was an audition for all perfomances on graduation today.
I am involved as well as some other friends.
I am performing a piano solo of the song THE SECRET slow version.

To be frank, I am not that confidence in my abilities.
It had only been a week or less since I've started to learn the song.
How could you ever expect perfection from me?
That's so impossible that I would actually take the stage and perform it smoothly, with no flaws and nerves at all.

When I was onstage, I felt as if my burden were heavier. It was totally nerve-racking.
Moreover, I was the first one to perform. SO DOOMED.
I faced extreme humilation.
I messed up and ruined my big time. Sobs.
To make things worse, my left hand went out of control in out of sudden at the finishing part.
Therefore I have no choice but to play with right hand only.
Seriously, you don't wanna imagine how bad it was.
It was so dissapointing.
I took it seriously and tried my best to learn this song all because of this one perfomance but it ended up letting me down.
I wanted to give up and never take the spotlight to perform in a million years.
But the results was not annouced yet.
The judges will make their final decision on Friday.
So what can I say. No matter how bad it gets. there is also still a hope remaining
I don't care if my chances to be selected is considered as one in a million. I still have the will of it.
Let us pray to god that good news will happen after so many mishaps.

On the brighter side, I am pretty glad that after I've finishing performed, my friend was the one who lead the audience to applause for me. I have to admit that it was pretty touching. That's the most memorable scene. Although I was facing a hard time, her deeds had brighten my mood up. Thank you so much..... ^^

Besides that, I'm also quite frustrated about another friend. I find it hard to believe what she've said. I overheard that she told someone that I deserve all the humilation and frustration because of my arrogance. How could she? Is this what true friends look like? Oh yeah whatever. It does not matter.

No matter what have happened, I would be strong enough to overcome it. We should always think positive right? Perhaps this is not my time yet. My moment to shine would depend on my efforts.

Wish Me Luck ; 12:58 AM

I decided to do it.
I have to go for it.
I wanted it so badly.
I have to do anything to succeed.

Since this one is something I wanted badly as much as anything, I will just give it a try. And yet my wish has to be granted. I do not care what it takes. I deeply believe in the motto GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU GO FOR IT. Now that I'm too desperate and my anxiousity is burning up inside.

I'm really worried. But it's no big deal.

You know what? I'm so going to beg my mom for her consent for me to go to Cathoilic High next year. There are so many of my chums there. I want to see the same face every day. I'm loathe to just give up our friendship and drift apart from each other after I graduate.

Btw, Catholic High is a great school with its well-known disciplinary. So why not? What's so bad about that school? It's not that far from my home anyway. Just a 20minutes drive then I'll reach there. I can always search for transport to fetch me there.

Well, it's not that scary to just speak up and plea my mom right? This is a choice I have made so my mom should show some support.

Tomorrow is the deadline for school translations so I have to be quick. I can hesitate no more. I really wish that I can go to that school and stay with my buddies. Wish me luck.

Hope that my mom is understanding.

Besides that, audition for all perfomances on graduation is tomorrow. There's still alot of hardwork commanded until perfection. I'm pretty concerned about tomorrow's audition. Really wish that I will be selected.

Wish me Luck...

And you too, in whatever you want to explore=D

Friday, October 24, 2008
Annoyed ; 1:14 AM

No more Children's day celebration for the rest of my life anymore...
This indicates that I'm gradually approaching my teenage
And also graduating elemantry school


I feel really loathe and unhappy
I don't wanna leave everyone
This is just so hard for me to accept

I will definitely miss every single faces I see everyday in elemantry school.

I hope that we'll remain as good mates no matter how far is the distance between us
Gonna miss ya all

I have already received the notifactaion letter about which school am I going to next year.

I'm the only one in class going to that school. No one's with me. No one's gonna be my accompanience. What a pity...
I wanted to go to Catholic High so badly. Most of my pals are going there.

Unfortunately, my mom said that it's too far away from my home. So what? It's a far distance from all of my friends' homes too but they still get the chance to.
Why wouldn't my mom support my suggestion?
She told me that as soon I'm in a new environment with new and unfamailiar faces, I'll be able to fit it and be friends with them.
Is the reality as easy she thinks? NO WAY
It'll take some time to get to know new friends. Most importantly, how can I actually manage to find a new BFF?

I love my current BFFs so much.

My mom just don't understand my awkward situation right now.

I don't wanna start all over again in a new environment.

I cannot stand to manage to fit it in such environment full of strangers.

Do you know that after a short period, I'll be facing one of the worst times in my life? I have to do what I did six years ago when I had just go to elementry school.

I don't wish to step in a new school with no one who is close to me.
Life surely sucks after I graduate elementry school, although I have to admit that I'm quite happy that I'm actually leaving this lousy, disgusting and insane school.
Forget about that. The only thing that matters is my friends.

Life is such a sore.
I have doubt that I would actually cope to let go of everything and start all over in a new environment feeling comfortable.
Thats' never gonna happen.
If my mom would just grant my wish and allow me to go to Cathoilc High, then I will be as joyful as on cloud nine.
There'a nothing that could ever make me this happy besides for just this one wish.

I hate my future school.

I have a feeling that it will be so hard for me to make a single friend.

They're all arrogant and self-conceited.
I know cos I've been to several tuition lessons in the past where I met these people who will also go to that school.
They were really obnoxious.
They always despise others and make fun of them.
They kept claming themselves as "flitry rich" and "genius" which is ridiculous. I can't believe the way they behave are so comtemptible but to them it's cool.
See how horrible could it be?
I'm starting to dread now. I can't take it all.

I don't wanna go to that school......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
; 5:15 AM

Someone has inspired me to write this post.

Her attitude and deeds really irritates me, especially I'm a close person to her and I'm always listening to whatever she has to say.

Simultaneosly, it has also taught me a lesson not to give nasty comments or crisize about someone's look. Just keep your opinions about somenoe's look to your heart, yourself. I completely understand how annoyed the listener could be if someone kept giving nasty critisms.

Everyone is different in a kind of way.Which means that everyone is unique. Everyone has talents and imperfections. NO one in this whole wide world could be perfect. And this is a fact that all of us know.
So why are you judging someone's look?
You should know that everyone is beautiful, but acccording to one's taste. Beauty lies on the eye of one's beholder. Although you think that that person is ugly or whatever, it still does not make her/him that way. Everyone has admirers, it's just that you don't know. Someone might think that he/she is beautiful, because that's everyone's own taste. Not everyone has the same taste.

Don't ever give nasty comments one other's look. Never judge a book by it's cover.
So what if I have those little imperfections? I have no fear to admit that I'M IMPERFECT because every other person in this world is too. Who are you to judge someone?

In that case, just save those rude words that will really hurt. Anyway, why are you giving nasty comments about someone's look? You're not perfect. You have flaws. For people who kept insulting other's eyes, lips, face, body, ears, nose or whatever, please cut it off before it makes you a nuisance. Because practically, it is very obnoxious. Stop thinking that you're Miss USA and the pretiest girl without flaws or even acting like one. Stop boasting yourself. It has made it so obvious that you're merely telling somthing which is not the truth.

Beautiful people do not care about how other's look.

Ok,this paragraph is specially dedicated to someone in my life whom I'm currently mentioning about. You're my friend, so I would not hate you, though the way you give comments about others' look was as if you were giving me a big spiteful of mud! You're seriously driving me crazy. So what is I have those little flaws on my look? I can't do anything about it either cos I'm borned to be like that. However, I'll still give you a second chance because that's what friends are about - forgiving each other. But please take my advise.

Now you know how it feels like when someone is listening you blabbing.

Monday, October 20, 2008
Still can't figure out... ; 1:04 AM

Every single day in October is considered as Chidlren's Day.
We celebrate it throughout the nation. It's a day specially dedicated to kids all around the world.

Well, my school has decided to celebrate it on this oncoming Friday. Sad to say that this would be the last time I'm celebrating the Children's Day. Which also indicates that this is the last year I'm enjoying the gay, merry and carefree childhood! SOBS T.T I'm so NOT ready for my teenage yet! If I get to pick, then I would rather be a child forever, although a child has lots of parental control and not much freedom.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling kinda anxious too. I totally have no idea what to give out as presents for exchange with my mates. What in the world would ever flatter them? Trust me, I've been squeezing my brains to figure out the solution. However, I still don't really know what would satisfy my pals. I've really been to my wits' end and yet I still have not figure out a single idea!

I've already bought of the presents yesterday. But there are still tons of left. Children's Day celebration at my school is approching closer day by day! Why do I panic just because of the presents to be given out? C'mon, it's no big deal. All that I have to do to solve my problem is to calm down, and think of what my friends like. Hope that it works.

Ok, I guess I've some great ideas of the presents now. But I'm not quite sure if it would really satisfy my friends. Btw, I'm sort of "broke" now after doing some accesive shopping! Whatever. I truly pitty my piggy bank for providing such big amount of cash for me, continuosly.

This is the last year I'm celebrating one of the biggets events of the years(apparantly for kids only). I want to make it more memorable. Because once this day is over, it's never gonna come back again. It will be a part of history, and all that I can do to recall my joyful memory is to... look at pictues and the presents my friends will be giving me.

Haiz, wish that I can turn back time, and enjoy my childhood for the rest of my life... I'm sooo anticipating for this Friday but in the same time, I'm loathe to celebarte it too... So much for an inconsistency

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Worried... ; 4:46 AM

Yesterday was indeed an unlucky day for me.
I don't know how to explain, yet I don't have the guts to.
OK, I don't wanna talk about the incident anymore, because I don't wanna be reminded of the horrible scene.
I can just expose my feelings.

As always, I made a mistake out of my carelessness. Don't ask what was it......
I was facing extreme humilation.
It was nerve racking. I'm so doomed. Even now I'm still feeling insecured and anxious.
I hope that things would be fine next week. I really have no idea to face the scary reality next week. This is so awful......

I can't believe that I'm so nuts.
This has gave me a strong lesson not to forget.
Oh crap, I bet that I'm gonna face ultra humilation next week.
I just can't take it all.
It's really hard for me to accept that the fact it has happened to me.
I should have be more cautious.

My heart is pounding faster than ever.
I'm in huge trouble.
I doubt that I would face it without fear.
What should I do?
I'm really in a panic.
My awkward situation can never be remedied...


Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I do not hate you ; 2:48 AM

This is specially dedicated to someone who used to be one of my closest friends.

We used to be good pals. Like BFFs or something. But unfortunately, that did no last for some time. Until the day an argument happened between us, things changed. We've became enemies ever since then.

Thank god that everything was settled someday in this year. Great to know that we aren't fighting anymore. However, we just remain as ordinary friends only.

But there's always a misunderstand between us, I guess. Sometimes I have a feeling that you hate me. Perhaps sometimes you might have the same feelings as me too. This can't keep going on as my impatience is bugging me deep down inside. I probaly should make every single misunderstand completely solved. I would like to take this oppurtunity to tell you what's truly in my mind.

To be frank, I may hate you sometimes when I assume that you hate me. But I kinda like you as a friend too. You're an amazing and friendly person to me. Please don't ever think that I hate you... I'm not quite sure what's on your mind, but you really give me a strong feeling that you dislike me.

Sorry if what I said right here is wrong. Do you hate me or not? Well, this is really questionable. I'm pretty curious for the truth either. But it does not matter that much. The main reason why I pick up my guts to write this blog is to tell you that I do not hate you. In fact, I hope that we can be friends. Of course, not like close mates we used to be. We'll be represently our class in the ping pong doubles for an oncoming inner school telematch. We'll be needing a lot of cooperation which depends on each other. I really hope to win this competition and share the joy together with you. Just don't count on what was my opinion before as it was all vain.

Once again, I do not hate you. This is an answer for you in case you're having doubts. We're friends, aren't we?

Well then, wish you the best of luck in that competition!


Monday, October 13, 2008
I must succeed ; 5:42 AM

This is a perfect oppurtunity.
A great momnent.
An amazing chance

Ok, my BFF and I will be doing a duet on our graduation day. (When I ever hear "graduation"... SOBS T.T)
I have to and MUST play that song no matter what.
However, the thing that racks my nerves is that... I don't know how to play it AT ALL! I never get a chance to learn it. But eventually, I decided to accept this challenge as it can also be a stimulation for me to be more hardworking than ever and improve my skills simultanesouly.

I have to and MUST learn to play this song smoothly, with NO flaws. I'll be performing in front of hundreds, or could be thousands of audiences and there's certainly no way for me to mess up and be humilated. No matter how hard it takes, how much time it takes, I'll still completely set my mind to it and put more efforts on it.

OK, gtg I still need tons of practise on my journey to PERFECTION(LOL). Practise, practise, practise...

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Everything's changing in the blink of an eye ; 12:38 AM

The year of 2008 is a year of leaving.
No longer from now, I'm going to say farewell to all of my trusted friends and head into another journey of life.
Yup - I will be graduating primary school very soon. Sad to hear that everything's gonna change.
As time passes, I'm growing up gradually too. But I'm not loath to leave my joyful childhhood. Sadly, this will be the last year I'm enjoying my carefree and gay childhood.
I don't know how to take it all. I love my situation now and I hope that it would last forever. But that's a miracle. My friends and I soon will face the time of seperation. There's no doubt that it would be hard for everyone to accept it. I bet that most of our eyes will be filled with tears during our graduation day.
Whenever I look at my graduation picture, I feel sad and happy at the same time.
I'm sad because I don't know how to accept the fact that this is reality.
Look on the brighter side - I'm happy as I finally manage to complete a part of my education after six,long years of hardwork.
However, I deeply understand that this is a part of life that everyone has to go through. You have to be tough and overcome all deppresions while your'e accepting the reality. We all have to grow up and pursue our dreams. We all have to search the path that leads us to success. It's a necessary part of our life.

Well, guess that I have no other choice but to accpet the fact that this is reality. But I hope that my friends and I will still remain the same no matter where we are. May god bless that all of our freindships are everlasting.=D


We've run out of words, we've run out of time.
Welcome to thisisme-enzhen.blogspot.com!

That's just

Let's see, where should I start this story from? It all began when a girl was brought to the world at a particular time on Match 21st. Just like any of you, my life is made up of happy and sad moments. There's really nothing so special about my life, but that doesn't necessarily make me ordinary. I don't think that there are any words that can be used to describe me. Maybe extraordinary is the closest one? Hah. Believe me, I'll marry Philipp Lahm one day. You'll see. Don't you think that love stories involving a character from the military are so interesting? They're so touching, I always end up having my face flooded with tears after reading it. Shopping is such an incredible feeling. But being victorious is the best feeling ever. I love NewYorkCity, the street lights there are so fascinating! I like extravagant things, the more, the bigger, the BETTER. I do things randomly, and yes, I admit that I can be too outspoken sometimes that the words coming out from my mouth seem to hurt people around me. I just couldn't help it. I'm born to be like that :P



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